Jasper County Board Discusses Solid Waste Program
Published on August 11 2017 9:22 am
Last Updated on August 11 2017 9:22 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Jasper County has operated a solid waste disposal program for many years.
For just as many years, people have been trying to beat the system.
The primary problem is when people who live outside Jasper County bring their waste and dispose it in the dumpsters located throughout the county.
There are other problems, though. Colored glass is not allowed, but some people are still disposing it in the containers. New signage warns the public that the recycle bins are being abused. It also notes that colored glass and plastic bags are not allowed. It was noted one piece of colored glass causes the entire load to be rejected by those who collect the solid waste.
Tin cans cannot be recycled, but aluminum is usually taken.
There is discussion of doing away with the program if violations continue.
The board also discussed hiring a sheriff's deputy to fill a vacancy, and discussed the funding earmarked to fully fund Crooked Creek Township for tax money it is due because of an error in the allocation process. Also reviewed was utilizing Pictometry to do aerial mapping of the county to assist with the assessing process. A second flyover is due in 2018. The work will cost close to $84,000 for a three-year period. The firm was hired on a 10-1 vote with one member absent.
The board approved purchase of a mower and a mulch kit, and heard from Jane Casey of Embarras River Tourism Council. Casey is working through the Illinois South Tourism Council to obtain eclipse glasses that are being distributed to school children. She also had glasses for the board members.