North Clay Ready for School Registration
Published on July 20 2017 9:39 am
Last Updated on July 20 2017 9:39 am
Written by Greg Sapp
North Clay school board members were informed Wednesday about registration plans for the coming school year.
Registration will be Wednesday, August 2 from 9am to 7pm. Registration packets are ready and available for pickup any weekday from 9am to 4pm in the high school office in Louisville.
Board members heard that online dual credit offerings at North Clay High School is now partnered through Illinois Eastern Community Colleges. Juniors and seniors this year will be able to take a variety of classes, online, and earn college credit while at North Clay.
The Board approved the establishment of a Music Boosters organization with administrative direction; awarded bids for various commodities; increased athletic officials' pay; and heard that there will be a reception on Monday, August 7 at 6:30pm at the Clay County Farm Bureau office to honor the State FFA Creed winner and North Clay State Farmer Degree winners.
In personnel moves, the North Clay board accepted the resignation of Sara Schabbing as elementary teacher; hired Katrina VanDyke as Agriculture teacher and FFA Advisor; hired Aimee Moore as an elementary teacher; hired Regina Levi as a paraprofessional; hired Jacob Kueker as junior high assistant baseball coach; and granted the Administraion authority to hire a temporary high school volleyball coach and to hire coaching vacancies before the next meeting. A vote on hiring Hunter Clifton as high school assistant baseball coach for the fall season failed on a 3-3 vote.