Dieterich School Board Discusses Goals and How to Meet Them
Published on July 11 2017 5:34 pm
Last Updated on July 11 2017 5:34 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Dieterich school superintendent Cary Jackson talked with the school board Monday night about four goals and how they're working toward meeting them.
The goals were set by the Board with help from the community.
One goal is exploring opportunities to help balance the budget by increasing revenue, including the County School Facilities Tax. Jackson reminded the Tax has been on the ballot and has yet to pass. He said there has been discussion about placing the initiative on the ballot again, but nothing is confirmed.
Other ways they're working toward that goal:
--grants through the Rural Education Achievement Program continue to assist the District with around $30,000 a year
--Eastern Illinois Education for Employment System provides funds annually to assist in vocational education
--Dieterich PTO continues to be what Jackson termed a "valuable partner" in providing Smartboards and additional technology to the disrict; and
--Dieterich Sportsbackers also continue to be a "valuable partner" in providing updated facilities and funds for each activity
Another goal at Dieterich concerns Community Relations.
Here are ways they're working toward the goal:
--a new website and mobile app are nearing completion and will be introduced to the community prior to the start of the school year
--District Librarian Mary Richars has implemented Library Nights that provide opportunities for the students to check out books and participate in activities during the summer
--the District was able to gather community input through the use of the 5Essentials Survey. The survey was administered in the spring.
Another goal is providing more opportunities for Dieterich Unit 30 students.
Here's how that goal is being addressed:
--Dual Credit opportunities have increased by 24 semester hours in the past year
--participation in the Effingham Regional Career Academy will begin in August. Courses offered will be Agriculture, Production Metas and Manufacturing Skills. Dieterich High School will be hosting a Horticulture class.
The fourth goal is Increase the Use of Technology
Here's how they're meeting the goal:
--the District currently has three mobile Chromebook labs, in addition to five computer labs throughout the building
--Smartboards are now in all elementary classrooms as well as Special Education rooms and several high school classrooms
--bandwidth has been increased to meet the increasing needs of the District.
Also Monday, the Dieterich Board hired Mose, Yockey, Brown and Kull to do audit work; approved an IMRF resolution allowing the District to report more accurate reportable earnings of its employees to help avoid lump sum catch up payments at the end of an employee's career; approved an intergovernmental agreement between Effingham County school districts to set in place the framework for administering shared classes within the Effingham Regional Career Academy; hired Laine Mayfield as district Art teacher and high school cheerleading coach; and hired Ryan Repking as junior-senior high school Social Studies teacher and high school Scholastic Bowl Coach.