Dieterich Village Board Plans to Begin Twice-Monthly Meetings
Published on July 6 2017 10:53 am
Last Updated on July 6 2017 10:53 am
Written by Greg Sapp
There's enough going on in the Village of Dieterich to warrant village board meetings twice each month.
That's the thought of the Dieterich Village Board, which has been meeting on the first Monday of each month. Wednesday night's meeting was the exception due to the 4th of July activities in Dieterich earlier in the week.
A vote is expected by the Board at their meeting in August to begin meeting on the first and third Mondays of each month. Dieterich Village Clerk Brittny Gipson said the move will allow the village to be more efficient in responding to issues.
Board members Wednesday heard from Taj Multani of Dieterich Mart, the Marathon service station in Dieterich. Multani would like the Board to change the business' liquor license to include a pour license, rather than just a package license. The request is in conjunction with a request by Dieterich Mart to the State for a video gaming license. The Board will discuss whether to pursue the initiative at their August meeting.
The Dieterich Board also discussed whether to place a permanent stage in Liberty Memorial Park. The stage, if approved, would be in place in time for the 2018 Quasquicentennial Celebration. Gipson said Dieterich's board scheduled a special meeting for July 14 to be held at the park to consider different locations for the stage. It was also decided to donate a free Civic Center rental and a free Liberty Park Pavilion rental as a Quasquicentennial prize.
Dieterich board members voted to not raise water and sewer tap fees, as an incentive to prospects to continue buiilding in the village. They also approved annual dues ot $2,500 for Effingham Regional Growth Aliliance.
The Dieterich board awarded a bid to John Lewis Construction for storm sewer work and a larger curb cut for a lot in the Industrial Park to Chris and Greg Niebrugge, who are leasing the building at the location to Dieterich Elite Fitness, and awarded a bid to Gardenscape Contractors for seeding of the ditch inn North Pointe Estates. It was also decided to approve a fiscal year appropriations ordinance totaling $6,372,800 for the new fiscal year, and to vacate an undeveloped alley off Loda Street.