911 Committee Gets Started on Specs for Next Gen Phone System
Published on June 27 2017 1:54 pm
Last Updated on June 27 2017 1:54 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Effingham County 911 has been waiting many years to move beyond simply receiving emergency calls by telephone. That move may be coming in the not-too-distant future.
Some 911 systems now have Next Generation capability; that is, citizens can text or use other means of communication to report an emergency. It's an expensive proposition, though, so the Effingham County 911 Board has waited to consider Next Gen technology until it's time to purchase a replacement telephone system. That step could be taken within a year, so the process of developing the bid specs on such a system is beginning.
The 911 Board's Equipment Committee met Monday morning. The committee is made up of Effingham County Sheriff Dave Mahon, City Police Chief Jeff Fuesting and Cody Hartke of the Dieterich Fire Protection District. Their work was delayed, though, when they heard that a group including System Administrator Jodi Moomaw and the County's IT Coordinator Jason Repking learned more about the Next Gen systems during a recent seminar. Mahon Tuesday said the staff members looked at three different options and offered input on what to seek in a system.
Committee members also decided to review the existing specs and then decide how they should be amended to obtain quotes on the desired system.
Another meeting of the equipment committee has been scheduled for 10am on Monday, July 24.
Another desire is to review the existing specs for the 911 system. Mahon said a timeline will be developed to obtain quotes by early in 2018.
The committee Monday also discussed bids made on two generators being sold off. One unit formerly served the 800 Mhz communications system that is no longer used; the other has been used with the former police station to provide backup to both the station and City Hall.