Teutopolis Unit 50 Board Approved Lunch Price Increases
Published on June 20 2017 2:01 pm
Last Updated on June 20 2017 2:01 pm
Written by Millie Lange
TEUTOPOLIS -- The Teutopolis Unit 50 Board of Education meeting was held Monday with several decisions on the agenda.
The Board approved to increase lunch prices by 10 cents for the 2017-18 school year. Lunch prices will be $2.35 for grades kindergarten through sixth grade, $2.60 for grades 7-12 and $2.85 for adults. Alacarte items will remain at 50 cents and milk remains at 35 cents.
The Board approved design work for Teutopolis High School for $140,000 by Upchurch Architects for high school renovations/construction.
Resignations and retirements included were Pat Drees as THS assistant softball coach, Terry Kimpling as assistant coach for boys tennis, Kaye Kimpling as varsity boys tennis coach and Kimberlin Wallace as junior varsity girls volleyball coach, junior varsity girls softball coach and junior high girls volleyball head coach.
The Board approved hiring Karen Smith as TJHS Student Council co-sponsor, Bobby Brummer as THS assistant soccer coach, Casey Repking as TS secretary, Amanda Charters as TGS full-time teacher aide, Kristin Deters as TGS part-time teacher aide, Toni Hawley as THS library aide, Becky Schumacher as TGS teacher and Zach Repking as TJHS assistant boys basketball coach.
The Board agreed to set prevailing wage rates for the 2017-18 school year, which is mandated by the state. The Board agreed to participate in the School Resource Office program for 2017-18 and approved membership in the Illinois Association of School Boards and pay dues of $2,904 for 2017-18.
The Board approved insurance renewals for property-casualty-liablity as presented for 2017-18. The Board approved the purchase of pole vault pads and standards, the unit is spliting the cost with the Sportsbackers.
The Board approved a partial payment of $5,037.30 after July 1 to Geissler Roofing for work on on the junior high roof. and approved a final payment of $4,325 to Security Alarm for door security work. The Board also approved a partial payment of $6,513 after July 1 to Kross Masonry for junor high masonry work.
The Board discussed athletic officials pay; this has not been raised since 2008 or 2009. They did adjust the pay on several sports.
The Board also discussed the tax increment financing district proposed by the Village and the impact on the district. They selected Jim Buhnerkempe to serve as representative for the TIF Joint Review Board with Leon Gobczynski as alternate.