Clay County Hospital Announces Changes in Billing Practicies.
Published on June 5 2017 2:52 pm
Last Updated on June 5 2017 2:52 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
There are a couple of key points that patients going forward from June 1, 2017 will need to take into consideration.
• Clinic visits will be billed separately from hospital services. All hospital visits and services will continue to be billed through the hospital.
• For those patients who do not have a co-payment defined by their insurance and/or do not have a secondary insurance, a minimum payment of $25 will be expected at the time of service.
• Payment agreements for hospital and clinic services will be set up separately.
• Payments on all hospital and clinic services will be accepted at all Clay County Hospital clinics, hospital Registration, or may be placed in the drop box in the lobby at the hospital front entrance.
Over the last few months, hospital and clinic staff has been making changes to billing and registration, working to ensure that they provide the best patient care, customer convenience and service.