Strasburg Man Gets Two-Year Prison Term in Effingham County


Published on May 2 2017 2:30 pm
Last Updated on May 2 2017 2:30 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Strasburg resident Lonni Wells has been sentenced in Effingham County to two years in prison for conspiracy to obstruct justice.

The 37-year-old Wells was found guilty of planting drugs in the vehicle of his ex-wife. 

Wells was indicted on the charge early in 2015 but various delays have prolonged the case, including a change of judge and Wells' house burning down. 

A jury was finally chosen for a trial and opening arguments were made in February of this year, but Wells pleaded guilty the next day. The parties in the case agreed to a cap on the sentence of two years, and that's the sentence imposed by Judge Michael McHaney. Wells will also be on one year's mandatory supervised release once out of prison. He was also assessed total costs and fees of $3,000.