Neoga School Board Looking for Additional Member


Published on April 26 2017 9:53 am
Last Updated on April 26 2017 9:53 am
Written by Greg Sapp

Neoga school board members reorganized Tuesday in the wake of the April election, but they still need one more member.

Gerald Hanfland, Julie Butler and Shawn Finney were elected to the Board earlier this month, but there were four seats open. Anyone interested in the vacant seat should contact the Neoga unit office.

The Board gave recognition Tuesday to two board members, Chris Strohl and Don Strohl, who did not seek re-election.

New officers were chosen. Chuck Campbell was elected school board president, Shawn Finney was chosen vice president, and Michelle Sheehan was elected secretary.

In regular business, the Neoga board agreed to allocate $45,000 toward funding extra-curricular activities. The Neoga Booster Club had completely underwritten the cost of extra-curriculars the past two years, but improving budget conditions in the district led the Board to agree the District could go halves with the Booster Club on the cost of extra-curriculars for the coming fiscal year.

The Neoga board also accepted the resignation of assistant principal Jeff Wooters, who reportedly is headed to another district to fill an administrative position. Wooters was slated to become Dean of Students at Neoga under a reorganization of administrative positions. The Dean of Students will also handle athletics, as had Wooters as assistant principal.

Board members also accepted the resignation of April Webb as a Special Education teacher, and accepted the resignation of Mike Mellott as vocal director for the musical. The Board hired Steve McCann to take over those vocal director duties.