Fuesting Speaks to Rend Lake Students
Published on April 7 2017 3:57 pm
Last Updated on April 7 2017 3:59 pm
Effingham Police Chief Jeffrey Fuesting visited with a packed room of Rend Lake College Criminal Justice students Thursday to speak about what police departments are looking for in new officers and the importance community engagement. The former commander of the St. Louis County Police Department also spoke about his experiences working in the cities of Ferguson and Jennings, Mo. during the unrest in the area.
Fuesting, STANDING ABOVE, spent time answering questions posed by the RLC students, specifically about job prospects. He said departments like his in Effingham are looking for graduates with high character, integrity, and values. "We can't teach you those skills," said Fuesting. "We can teach you how to be a police officer. Right now, we need problem-solvers." Also pictured is Ron Meek, LEFT BELOW, RLC Criminal Justice Associate Professor. Meek is a former Effingham County sheriff.