No Bids on Former Library Building; Board Looking for Member
Published on April 6 2017 4:41 pm
Last Updated on April 6 2017 4:41 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
The board of the Suzette Brumleve Memorial Effingham Public Library met in special session Wednesday night, but nothing developed as far as a potential purchaser of the former library home on Market Avenue.
Library Director Amanda McKay is overseeing the merchandising of the building and said she "needed a little direction from the Board", but said there is no news.
The building was appraised at $590,000 18 months old, but the Board has indicated they would accept an offer of $499,000. McKay said several entities have toured the building but nothing has developed.
The library utilized the Market Avenue location for more than 50 years before relocating to its current home on North 3rd Street.
Meanwhile, board members huddled to discuss the need for another member. John Latta has indicated that after three terms, he does not wish to be reappointed to the Board when his term expires at the end of the month.
Anyone interested in the position is asked to contact Amanda McKay at the library. The Board would like to develop a recommendation at their regular monthly meeting on April 17 to present to the City Council, which makes the appointment to the library board.