Village Board Discusses Taking Over Management of Dieterich Civic Center


Published on March 17 2017 10:43 am
Last Updated on March 17 2017 10:43 am
Written by Greg Sapp

Dieterich Village Board members at this month's meeting discussed taking over management of the Dieterich Civic Center.

The Civic Center board is down to one member, and that person is a member of the village board. No decisions were reached.

The Civic Center was built with funds provided by the late George and Minnie Kluthe, a farm couple who saved their pennies so they could leave money to communities throughout the county for projects like civic centers.

The Dieterich board also discussed the village tennis courts as well as the small park pavilion. Both the courts and the pavilion are in disrepair. There was discussion that the school district might provide funding for the tennis courts if the facilities tax question on the April 4 ballot passes, so no action was taken. As for the pavilion, the Board will discuss the matter when the 4th of July Celebration committee meets in the near future.

The Board also approved plans for a village cleanup day to be held Saturday, April 29. Things will begin at 7:30am at the Civic Center and wrap up around noon. Work is planned around the Veterans Memorial, the cemetery, North Point Park Subdivision and other areas.

Board members agreed to offer village residents an opportunity for payroll deduction to pay their water, sewer and garbage bills. Signup for the service at the Village Hall.

The Board approved an increase of 50 cents per 1,000 gallons of sewage generated over the minimum rate. The charge will now be $2.50/1,000 gallons used. 

Also discussed was seeking bids for mowing at the village cemetery and the need for two summer employees for the village. The Board also approved donations for the Dieterich Ruritan Easter Egg Hunt and for the PTO Spring Carnival as well as the Park District Summer Ball Program.