North Clay Board Approves After School Art Program


Published on March 16 2017 2:18 pm
Last Updated on March 16 2017 2:18 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

North Clay school board members Wednesday approved a high school after school Arts program.

High school principal Keith Price gave a presentation on an initiative of guidance counselor Jerin Romack regarding the after school program. The cost would be $25 per hour per student. There was discussion over who would cover the costs.After discussion, the Board voted 7-0 to approve the pilot program for the remainder of this school year.

The Board expelled two students, one through the beginning of the second semester next year and the other through the end of next school year, but the expulsions were held in abeyance and the students placed on Principal's Probation. A special meeting was set for next Wednesday, March 22 at 6pm. In personnel moves, the North Clay board accepted the resignation of Felicia Irmen as dance team sponsor, hired Kim Travis and Regina Levi as substitute cooks, approved a resignation from Sarah Newby as high school head volleyball coach, and approved a resignation from Michele Lovett as junior high assistant volleyball coach.

The Board heard from Adrian Guzman regarding a temporary leave, but took no action on the request, and heard from two representatives of Clay County Hospital in Flora on new programs the representatives felt would benefit students in North Clay schools.

Hannah Lewis Fancher had sought time to address the board regarding administrative handling of discipline. The discussion took place at two points during the meeting but was ended both times when personal situations were mentioned.

Board members accepted a bid from Evrard-Strang of Marion for $484,900 plus an alternate of $10,000 to replace doors and windows within district buildings and to use tinted glazing as needed, and then agreed to sell $2.2 million in health and life safety bonds to pay for work over the next 10 years. The funds will help pay for masonry repair and mansard roof replacement.

The Board awarded mini-grants through the North Clay Academic Foundation, and discussed handbook revisions for next school year, but took no action on any changes.