Cowden-Herrick Board Renews Sports Agreements with Beecher City


Published on March 15 2017 10:01 am
Last Updated on March 15 2017 10:01 am
Written by Greg Sapp

Cowden-Herrick school board members approved new sports agreements with the Beecher City School District at this month's meeting.

The Board approved a high school agreement in boys baseball, basketball and scholar bowl through the IHSA for the next two school years, and approved a junior high agreement in junior high boys baseball, girls basketball, girls softball and scholar bowl through the IESA for the next two school years. The Board also renewed membership in the IHSA for next school year.

The Board also extended the facilities mowing contract with Doty and Sons for three years beginning April 1, approved next year's school calendar with a start date of August 21, and approved the refinishing of the high school gym floor by D&K Bennett, Inc. 

In personnel moves, the Cowden-Herrick Board approved Kelsey Mayfield's maternity leave beginning in August for 12 weeks, employed Carolyn Wendte as high school girls basketball coach for next year, employed Katy Noble as high school girls volleyball coach for next year, employed Andy Nohren as high school cross country boys and girls coach for next year, approved advertising for a junior high boys basketball coach and for the 5th and 6th grade basketball coach positions for next year, employed Angela Jefferies as junior high girls volleyball coach for next year, and hired Emily McCloud as speech language pathologist for next year.