City Council Approves Agreement w/Wortmans on Keller Drive Development


Published on February 23 2017 1:52 pm
Last Updated on February 23 2017 1:52 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

The Effingham City Council has approved an economic incentive agreement with Wortman Properties to make way for a restaurant along Keller Drive.

The agreement promises incentives for development of a roadway to the building site, which will be next to Chipotle and Panda Express. There is an additional lot available for further development. The restaurant has not been publicly identified.

The Council approved amendments to the various Tax Increment Financing district agreements around the city. The revisions specify when the City will receive the final payment of funds from the districts, the year after each of the TIF districts expire, so the City will know how to budget the funds.

Council members also discussed, but did not act on, recommendations from the City Plan Commission on some subdivision plats and on a special use permit for property along Hoffman Drive being sold by Effingham Bible Church to a developer who plans to put mini-warehouses on the property.

The Council appointed Clara Koester to the City's Human Relations Board to fill a vacancy, and approved Fire Department Lieutenant Jason Lee as the City's Employee of the Quarter.