Lake Land College Announces Academic Honors


Published on February 21 2017 8:11 am
Last Updated on February 21 2017 8:11 am
Written by Greg Sapp

Lake Land College has announced that more than 2,000 full-time and part-time students earned academic honors for the 2016 fall semester.

To qualify for the president’s list, a student must have completed at least 12 credit hours in courses numbered 040 or higher per semester, excluding summer term, with a GPA of 3.8 – 4.0.

To qualify for the dean’s list, a student must have completed at least 12 credit hours in courses numbered 040 or higher per semester, excluding summer term, with a GPA of 3.65 – 3.79.

To qualify for the honor’s list, a student must have completed at least 12 hours in courses numbered 040 or higher per semester, excluding summer term, with a GPA of 3.5 – 3.64.

A grade “A” is four points, a “B” is three points, a “C” is two points, etc. 

The following full-time students have achieved these academic honors:

Ryan Spade                    Altamont        President's List
Vincent Myers                  Altamont        President's List
Lacy Kennard                  Altamont        President's List
Molly Verdeyen                Altamont        President's List
Jacob Miller                  Altamont        President's List
Lily Laatsch                  Altamont        President's List
Morgan Hofstetter             Altamont        President's List
Jessica Tappan                Altamont        President's List
Kacie Phillips                Altamont        Dean's List    
Jessica Will                  Altamont        Dean's List    
Hannah Began                  Altamont        Dean's List    
Katelyn Homann                Altamont        Honor's List   
Rachel Tillman                Altamont        Honor's List   
Andrew Walk                   Altamont        Honor's List   
Kerigan Phillips              Altamont        Honor's List   
Drew Beachy                   Arcola          President's List
Aaron Wesch                   Arcola          President's List
Hannah Schrock                Arcola          Dean's List    
Andrew Sullivan               Arcola          Honor's List   
Courtney Gutierrez            Arthur          President's List
Landon Gingerich              Arthur           President's List
Jovany Martinez               Arthur          President's List
Joshua Bowman                 Arthur          Honor's List   
Bryan Jobe                    Ashmore         Dean's List    
Tristen Gianneschi            Ashmore         Honor's List   
Hannah Richardson             Assumption      President's List
Jonathan Bialeschki           Atwood          Dean's List    
Karah Krivacek                Aurora          Dean's List    
Justin Reinhardt               Baldwin         President's List
Isabella Reed                 Beecher City    Dean's List    
Caitlin Sloan                 Beecher City    Dean's List    
Justin Reinneck               Belleville      President's List
Megan Reiher                   Belleville      Honor's List   
Blair Monroe                  Bethany         President's List
Race Underwood                Bethany         President's List
Jonathan Gentry               Bethany         President's List
Jasmine Baumbarger            Bethany         President's List
Amy Monroe                    Bethany         Dean's List    
Corey Clark                   Bethany         Dean's List    
Savannah Birch                Bethany         Honor's List   
Kayla Koonce                  Bingham         President's List
Adam Casey                    Bingham         Dean's List    
Chloe Grimes                  Brocton         Honor's List   
Michaela Walk                 Brownstown      President's List
Gabrielle Moore               Brownstown      President's List
Kaylee Sefton                 Brownstown      Honor's List   
John Grimes                   Canton          President's List
Matthew Bryner                Canton          President's List
Alfred Layton                 Canton          President's List
Seth Green                    Canton          President's List
James Sand                    Canton          President's List
Derek Howard                  Canton           Dean's List    
Leonard Telford               Canton          Dean's List    
Ryan Young                    Canton          Dean's List    
Daniel Zito                   Canton          Dean's List    
Edwin Santiago                Canton          Dean's List    
Charles Swisher               Canton          Dean's List    
Kacey Bettencourt             Canton          Dean's List    
Michael Tilley                Canton          Honor's List   
Antonio Gooden                 Canton          Honor's List   
Antonio Hamilton              Canton          Honor's List   
Roberto Hernandez             Canton          Honor's List   
Samuel Jones                  Canton          Honor's List   
Logan Handley                  Canton          Honor's List   
Zachary Brandenburg           Casey           President's List
Chenoa Sowers                 Casey           President's List
Autumn Brandenburg            Casey           President's List
Chelsey Wilkins               Casey           President's List
Darius Fisher                 Casey           Dean's List    
Beau Biggs                    Casey           Dean's List    
Lacy Maulding                 Casey           Honor's List   
Noah Branch                   Centralia       President's List
Joshua Walters                Charleston      President's List
Ashley Orr                    Charleston      President's List
Rebekah Buescher              Charleston      President's List
Johnta Jackson                Charleston      President's List
Kaden Sweeney                 Charleston      President's List
Olivia Oprisan                Charleston      President's List
Gage Evitt                    Charleston      President's List
Carley Smith                  Charleston      President's List
Dallas Wilson                 Charleston      President's List
Michael Wood                  Charleston      President's List
Tammy Sasco                   Charleston       President's List
Cristian Beasley              Charleston      President's List
Corey Callison                Charleston      President's List
Robert Miller                 Charleston      President's List
Ashlee Burton                 Charleston      President's List
Lashawnda Poree               Charleston      President's List
Cathy Sowa                    Charleston      President's List
Clayton McGrady               Charleston      President's List
James DeMent                  Charleston      President's List
Steven Oliver                 Charleston      President's List
Gara Sims                     Charleston      Dean's List    
Chase Lawless                 Charleston      Dean's List    
Millicent Abernathy            Charleston      Dean's List    
Natasha Bardsley              Charleston      Dean's List    
Robin Terwilliger             Charleston      Dean's List    
Lori Hughes                   Charleston      Dean's List    
Courtney Wallace              Charleston      Dean's List    
Yevheniy Busyhin              Charleston      Dean's List    
Sydnee Huddlestun             Charleston      Dean's List    
Kassidy Bonebrake             Charleston      Dean's List    
Garrett Harwood               Charleston      Dean's List    
Matthew Mumaw                 Charleston      Dean's List    
Christopher Czarnecki         Charleston      Dean's List    
Blake Dunham                  Charleston      Dean's List    
Thomas O'Brien                Charleston      Dean's List    
Cory Sims                     Charleston      Dean's List    
Christopher Phillips          Charleston      Honor's List   
Priscilla McKinney            Charleston      Honor's List   
Logan Lauritzen               Charleston      Honor's List   
Amber Colclasure              Charleston      Honor's List   
Ali Trizzle                   Charleston      Honor's List   
Jessica Lovejoy               Charleston      Honor's List   
Dillon McClelland             Charleston      Honor's List   
Nick Agan                     Charleston      Honor's List   
Leunshe Heim                  Charleston      Honor's List   
James Beech                   Charleston      Honor's List   
Andrew Gingerich              Charleston      Honor's List   
Dakota Crowder                Charleston      Honor's List   
Jacob Huss                    Charleston      Honor's List   
Jacob Lewis                   Charleston      Honor's List   
Carrie Dilley                 Cowden          President's List
Charles Cox                   Cowden          Dean's List    
Jensyn Morrison               Cowden          Dean's List    
Bradley Willenborg             Decatur         Dean's List    
Jonathon Warnick              Decatur         Dean's List    
Emily Webster                 Decatur         Honor's List   
Michael Schmidt               Dennison        President's List
Wyatt Goeckner                 Dieterich       President's List
Marshall Mellendorf           Dieterich       President's List
Christopher Flood             Dieterich       President's List
Christopher Lewis             Dieterich       Dean's List    
Storey Woodruff               Dieterich       Dean's List    
Mary Westendorf               Dieterich       Dean's List    
Riley Pruemer                 Dieterich       Dean's List    
Devin Aherin                  Dieterich       Dean's List    
Dunavun Goeckner              Dieterich       Dean's List    
Jodi Thoele                   Dieterich       Honor's List   
Mallorie Vahling              Dieterich       Honor's List   
Travis Niemerg                Dieterich       Honor's List   
Kyle Hardiek                  Dieterich       Honor's List   
Alfred Spillers               Dixon           President's List
Jeremiah Nantz                Dixon           President's List
Clarence Cardish              Dixon           President's List
Jason Range                   Dixon           President's List
Stephen Young                 Dixon           President's List
Oscar Walker                  Dixon           President's List
Dane O'Hare                   Dixon            President's List
Ronald Bieberitz Sr.          Dixon           President's List
Samuel Sympson                Dixon           President's List
Patrick Booker                Dixon           President's List
Adam Henry                    Dixon           President's List
Andre Alfaro                  Dixon           Dean's List    
Dennis Mcie                   Dixon           Honor's List   
Marcus Phelan                 Dixon           Honor's List   
Christopher Gibbons            East Moline     President's List
Justin Knowles                East Moline     President's List
Rodrick Gage                  East Moline     President's List
Larry Chew                    East Moline     President's List
Brent Burge                    East Moline     President's List
Sean Simmons                  East Moline     Dean's List    
Glen Davis                    East Moline     Dean's List    
Toby Przeniczny               East Moline     Dean's List    
Bryant Johnson                East Moline     Dean's List    
Guy Pokorny                   East Moline     Dean's List    
Romanus Ubamadu               East Moline     Dean's List    
Anthony Garcia                East Moline     Honor's List   
Timmie Walton                 East Moline     Honor's List   
Kahende Jake                  East Moline     Honor's List   
Mario Burden                  East Moline     Honor's List   
Nicholas Klein                East Moline     Honor's List   
Chad Oster                    East Moline     Honor's List   
Raun Perrin                   East Saint Louis President's List
Colter Liston                 East Saint Louis President's List
Douglas Kelsay                East Saint Louis President's List
Joseph Bullock                East Saint Louis President's List
Adam Ayers                    East Saint Louis President's List
Darius Gilmore Sr.            East Saint Louis President's List
Damone Stewart                East Saint Louis President's List
Travis Heft                   East Saint Louis President's List
Jeffery Bauman                East Saint Louis President's List
Michael Szekely               East Saint Louis President's List
Brandon Bullock               East Saint Louis President's List
Kenneth Chappell              East Saint Louis President's List
Robert Barnes                 East Saint Louis President's List
Michael Cooper                East Saint Louis President's List
Edgar Boone                    East Saint Louis President's List
Michael Ferstle               East Saint Louis President's List
Justin Caudle                 East Saint Louis President's List
Jason Merritt                 East Saint Louis President's List
Kenneth Doherty                East Saint Louis President's List
Stephan Miller                East Saint Louis President's List
David Downey                  East Saint Louis President's List
Fritz Hull                    East Saint Louis President's List
Stuart Still                  East Saint Louis President's List
Lorenzo Murray                East Saint Louis President's List
Cesar Garcia                  East Saint Louis President's List
Charles Sage III              East Saint Louis President's List
Ronald Fritsch                East Saint Louis President's List
Michael Carter                East Saint Louis President's List
Nicholas O'Connell            East Saint Louis President's List
Phillip Smith                 East Saint Louis President's List
James Cummings                East Saint Louis President's List
Kyle Correll                  East Saint Louis President's List
George Jones                  East Saint Louis Dean's List    
Michael O'Leary               East Saint Louis Dean's List    
James Weis Jr.                East Saint Louis Dean's List    
John Grant                    East Saint Louis Dean's List    
Trevor Callahan               East Saint Louis Honor's List   
James Singleton               East Saint Louis Honor's List   
Antonio Aldava Jr.            East Saint Louis Honor's List   
Stephen Thorp                 East Saint Louis Honor's List   
Michael Hegg                  East Saint Louis Honor's List   
Adam Mayhaus                  Edgewood        President's List
Megan Birk                    Edgewood        Dean's List    
Collin Warren                 Edgewood        Honor's List   
Mehmetcan Gursoy              Edwardsville    President's List
Sarah Slover                  Effingham       President's List
Darek Mix                     Effingham       President's List
Lauren Mersman                Effingham       President's List
Jeffrey Repking               Effingham       President's List
Sydney Feldkamp                Effingham       President's List
Cheryl Macklin                Effingham       President's List
Lyndsey Wiley                 Effingham       President's List
Avery Liss                    Effingham       President's List
Kristina Neu                   Effingham       President's List
Amelia Buscher                Effingham       President's List
Dydra Arnold                  Effingham       President's List
Kelly Keitel                  Effingham       President's List
Jami Swan                     Effingham       President's List
Brett Schackmann              Effingham       President's List
Morgan Gardewine              Effingham       President's List
Anna Schutzbach               Effingham       President's List
Brady Jackson                 Effingham       President's List
Garrett Stanfield             Effingham       President's List
Hannah Dillow                 Effingham       President's List
Luke Jansen                   Effingham       President's List
Emma Kull                     Effingham       President's List
Hany Tawdros                  Effingham       President's List
Kayla Darling                 Effingham       President's List
Tiffany Carter                Effingham       President's List
Thomas Barker                 Effingham       Dean's List    
Kathryn Harrison              Effingham       Dean's List    
Christina Turner              Effingham       Dean's List    
John Bejma                    Effingham       Dean's List    
Jordan Bloemer                Effingham       Dean's List    
Michelle Davis                Effingham       Dean's List    
Blake Dust                    Effingham       Dean's List    
Brianna McDaniel              Effingham       Dean's List    
Ashley Huelsing               Effingham       Dean's List    
Jacob Dilger                  Effingham       Dean's List    
Elizabeth Falconburg          Effingham       Dean's List    
Amanda Bird                    Effingham       Dean's List    
Christopher Jones             Effingham       Dean's List    
Jennifer Fred                 Effingham       Dean's List    
Hope Collier                  Effingham       Dean's List    
Robert Jones                   Effingham       Dean's List    
Joanna Neu                    Effingham       Dean's List    
Alysha Loy                    Effingham       Dean's List    
Amber Quast                   Effingham       Dean's List    
Emma Repking                  Effingham       Dean's List    
Bruce Shamhart                Effingham       Dean's List    
Michael Woltman               Effingham       Dean's List    
Grace Schuler                 Effingham       Dean's List    
Carson Leonard                Effingham       Dean's List    
Ralph Walters                 Effingham       Dean's List    
Benjamin Esgar                Effingham       Dean's List    
Nicholas Bushue               Effingham       Honor's List   
Kelsi Haller                  Effingham       Honor's List   
Haley Ebbert                  Effingham       Honor's List   
Ryan Hails                    Effingham       Honor's List   
Jacob Mette                   Effingham       Honor's List   
Tylor Cross                   Effingham       Honor's List   
Grant Followell               Effingham       Honor's List   
Danny Austin                  Effingham       Honor's List   
Kristen Conley                Effingham        Honor's List   
Anna Schumacher               Effingham       Honor's List   
Trent Yocum                   Effingham       Honor's List   
Will Clausius                 Effingham       Honor's List   
Chipman Schmidt               Effingham       Honor's List   
Kory Avery                    Effingham       Honor's List   
Blake Schumacher              Effingham       Honor's List   
Brady Scott                   Effingham       Honor's List   
Blake Esker                    Effingham       Honor's List   
Alexis Monnet                 Effingham       Honor's List   
Maddison Caldwell             Elmwood         Dean's List    
Elias McNew                   Farina          Dean's List    
Gretchen Macklin               Findlay         President's List
Nicole Miller                 Findlay         President's List
Tyus Brooks                   Findlay         President's List
Austin Sutton                 Findlay         President's List
Samantha Carter               Findlay         Dean's List    
Robert Meauhead               Galesburg       President's List
DeAngelis Bronner             Galesburg       President's List
Tremaine Allen                Galesburg       President's List
Richard Womack                Galesburg       President's List
Chad Hardy                    Galesburg       President's List
Edward Carrasco               Galesburg       President's List
Vernon Lauderdale             Galesburg       Dean's List     
Joel Holmes                   Galesburg       Dean's List    
Stephen Heinzeroth            Galesburg       Dean's List    
Brian Stafford                Galesburg       Dean's List    
Michael Bradley               Galesburg       Dean's List    
Sammie Daniels                Galesburg       Honor's List   
Ryan Salyers                  Galesburg       Honor's List   
Lisa Webb                     Gays            President's List
Tristan Warner                Gays             President's List
Kyle Hanks                    Gays            Honor's List   
Bethany Boose                 Georgetown      Dean's List    
Shannon Dearing               Greenup         President's List
Jason Wingler                 Greenup         President's List
Kevin Miller                  Greenup         President's List
Mara McCollough               Greenup         President's List
Zoe Ray                       Greenup         President's List
Jenna McMechan                 Greenup         President's List
John Hampton                  Greenup         Dean's List    
Dakota Davis                  Greenup         Dean's List    
Sarah Hall                    Greenup         Dean's List    
Seirra Boldrey                 Greenup         Dean's List    
Loretta Kingery               Greenup         Dean's List    
Jennifer Morris               Herrick         President's List
Aaron Rhoades                 Herrick         Dean's List    
Sydney Niemann                Hillsboro       President's List
Aaron Trone                   Hillsboro       President's List
Travis Pokojski               Hillsboro       President's List
Calvin Brooks                 Hillsboro       President's List
Nathan Hale                   Hillsboro       Dean's List    
Dandre Wilson                 Hillsboro       Dean's List    
Melvin Brown                  Hillsboro       Dean's List    
Michael Poole                 Hillsboro       Dean's List     
Mathew Boyd                   Hillsboro       Dean's List    
Joshua Barfield               Hillsboro       Dean's List    
Keith Riesselman              Hillsboro       Honor's List   
Jason Rennecker               Hillsboro       Honor's List   
Jerry Thomas                  Hillsboro       Honor's List   
Arthur Byrum                  Hillsboro       Honor's List   
Jeremie Cummins               Hillsboro       Honor's List   
Michael Christian             Hillsboro        Honor's List   
Paul Lee                      Ina             President's List
Shawn Mathis                  Ina             President's List
Brandon Skelton               Ina             President's List
Christopher Ahasic            Ina              President's List
Larry Jackson                 Ina             President's List
Benjamin Priest               Ina             President's List
Robert Zais                   Ina             President's List
Donald Rutan                  Ina             President's List
Steven Terrell                Ina             President's List
Ronnie Fitzpatrick            Ina             President's List
Jose Lopez                    Ina             President's List
Kevin Nolan                    Ina             President's List
Joshua Phipps                 Ina             President's List
Don Morey                     Ina             Dean's List    
Shawn Mathews                 Ina             Dean's List    
Nicholas Hill                  Ina             Dean's List    
Gregory Barnard               Ina             Honor's List   
James Catt                    Ina             Honor's List   
Darrel Autman                 Ina             Honor's List   
Thomas Eskew                  Ina             Honor's List   
Mark Williams                 Ina             Honor's List   
Justin Harvey                 Ina             Honor's List   
Jacob Newberry                Jacksonville    President's List
Frank Secor                   Jacksonville    President's List
Kurt Dreher                   Jacksonville    President's List
Darnell Toney                 Jacksonville    Dean's List    
Christopher Cullinan          Jacksonville    Dean's List    
Brad Moore                    Jacksonville    Dean's List    
Mark Orozco                   Jacksonville    Dean's List    
Michael Butler                Jacksonville    Honor's List   
Hector Villada                Jacksonville    Honor's List   
Jason Dulceak                 Jacksonville    Honor's List   
Morgan Bergbower              Jewett          Honor's List   
Ronald Winkler                Kansas          President's List
Maria Amill                   Lakewood         President's List
Megan Winchester              Lerna           President's List
Roger Freeman                 Lerna           President's List
Zachary Schneider             Lerna           President's List
Joli Sawyer                   Lerna           President's List
Wesley Otto                   Lerna           Dean's List    
Dakota Lowry                  Lerna           Honor's List   
Nicholas McKnelly             Louisville      President's List
Dylan Bailey                   Louisville      President's List
Dalton Wood                   Louisville      Dean's List    
Braxton Gullidge              Louisville      Honor's List   
Logan Emel                    Lovington       Dean's List    
Jeremy McBride                 Marion          President's List
Sebrina Girton                Marshall        President's List
Zach Martin                   Marshall        President's List
Brody Martin-Stepp            Marshall        President's List
Jacob Miller                  Marshall        President's List
Matthew Babyak                Marshall        President's List
Sheldon Rayhel                Marshall        President's List
Kevin Taylor                  Marshall        Honor's List   
Sarel Pretorius               Marshall        Honor's List   
Hunter Seaton                 Marshall        Honor's List   
John Crane                    Martinsville    President's List
Adora Gowin                   Martinsville    Dean's List    
Faith Boerngen                Mason           President's List
Charles Griffith              Mason           Dean's List    
Benjamin Kuhns                Mason           Dean's List    
Mallory Logan                 Mason           Dean's List    
Thomas Caravello              Mason           Honor's List   
Brian Schottman               Mattoon         President's List
Ryan Spitz                    Mattoon         President's List
Heather Miller                Mattoon          President's List
J Lynn Foss                   Mattoon         President's List
Teah Lawson                   Mattoon         President's List
Matthew Grafton               Mattoon         President's List
Kathrine Gosnell              Mattoon         President's List
Kristen Doty                  Mattoon         President's List
Nathan Carpenter              Mattoon         President's List
Mark Blume                    Mattoon         President's List
Alyssa Nichols                 Mattoon         President's List
Megan Nichols                 Mattoon         President's List
Tyler Smith                   Mattoon         President's List
Melvin Hawkins                Mattoon         President's List
Keisha Smith                   Mattoon         President's List
Chandler Camfield             Mattoon         President's List
Alexander Rhine               Mattoon         President's List
Zachary Lensink               Mattoon         President's List
Paisley Ann Meyer             Mattoon         President's List
Abigail Shamdin               Mattoon         President's List
Dustin Ebie                   Mattoon         President's List
Brianna Eller                 Mattoon         President's List
Leah Osborne                  Mattoon         President's List
Whitney Smith                 Mattoon         President's List
Madison Yoder                 Mattoon         President's List
Jenna Butler                  Mattoon         President's List
Mikayla Willoughby            Mattoon         President's List
Tyler Schuring                Mattoon         President's List
Maci Kyger                    Mattoon         President's List
David Browning                Mattoon         President's List
Jacob Murphy                  Mattoon         President's List
Lacey Knodle                  Mattoon         President's List
Kristen Morlen                Mattoon         President's List
Austin Burgess                Mattoon          President's List
Parker Hiser                  Mattoon         President's List
Megan Myerscough              Mattoon         President's List
Carley Travis                 Mattoon         President's List
Hillary Love                  Mattoon         President's List
Alec James                    Mattoon         President's List
Jed Boyer                     Mattoon         President's List
Daria Voronina                Mattoon         President's List
Michelle Burrus                Mattoon         President's List
Alec Myers                    Mattoon         President's List
Kaylie Huizenga               Mattoon         President's List
Kelly Prescott                Mattoon         President's List
Mary Moenning                  Mattoon         President's List
Claudia Smith                 Mattoon         President's List
Michelle Janes                Mattoon         President's List
Jaida Brockman                Mattoon         President's List
Austin Walter                 Mattoon         President's List
Gloria Kamidi                 Mattoon         President's List
Parker Haerr                  Mattoon         President's List
Connor Genzel                 Mattoon         President's List
Tyler Wright                  Mattoon         President's List
Taylor Inman                  Mattoon         President's List
Luke Thomas                   Mattoon         President's List
Sierra Day                    Mattoon         President's List
Palak Patel                   Mattoon         President's List
John Schneider                Mattoon         President's List
Kaitlyn Pearson               Mattoon         President's List
Nathan Bonifer                Mattoon         President's List
Amanda Price                  Mattoon         President's List
Adam Stepping                 Mattoon         President's List
Sidney Smith                  Mattoon         President's List
Holly Davis                   Mattoon          President's List
Eric Martinez                 Mattoon         President's List
Emily Ivey                    Mattoon         President's List
Scott Mighell                 Mattoon         President's List
Gael Tshilombo                Mattoon         President's List
Kelly Sager                   Mattoon         President's List
Brittani Chamberlain          Mattoon         President's List
Callie Williams               Mattoon         President's List
Kendra Gengenbacher           Mattoon         President's List
Evalena Pullen                Mattoon         Dean's List    
Janice Sullivan               Mattoon         Dean's List    
Kevin Watson                  Mattoon         Dean's List    
Kaitlyn Holland                Mattoon         Dean's List    
Orlando Campuzano             Mattoon         Dean's List    
Cole Diepholz                 Mattoon         Dean's List    
James Ferguson                Mattoon         Dean's List    
Jacob Parsley                  Mattoon         Dean's List    
Emaline Conyers               Mattoon         Dean's List    
Megan Heath                   Mattoon         Dean's List    
Samantha Valentine            Mattoon         Dean's List    
Travis Winans                 Mattoon         Dean's List    
Alyssa Estes                  Mattoon         Dean's List    
Whitley McDaniel              Mattoon         Dean's List    
Shelby Gesell                 Mattoon         Dean's List    
Abigail Bush                  Mattoon         Dean's List    
Sierra Thompson               Mattoon         Dean's List    
Morgan Smith                  Mattoon         Dean's List    
Kiley Spence                  Mattoon         Dean's List    
Cydney Balch                  Mattoon         Honor's List   
Patrick Pelham                Mattoon         Honor's List   
Ashley Ramsey                 Mattoon         Honor's List   
Dustin Birch                  Mattoon         Honor's List   
Emily Neuhauser               Mattoon         Honor's List   
Jackson Ritter                Mattoon         Honor's List   
Jill Welter                   Mattoon         Honor's List   
Matthew McCormick             Mattoon          Honor's List   
Brianna Mattox                Mattoon         Honor's List   
Katelyn Fisher                Mattoon         Honor's List   
Jessica Hoback                Mattoon         Honor's List   
Shannon Daniell               Mattoon         Honor's List   
Landon Crary                  Mattoon         Honor's List   
Jordan Katz                   Mattoon         Honor's List   
Bailey Gowin                  Mattoon         Honor's List   
Chase Gilliland                Mattoon         Honor's List   
Tara Cummings                 Mattoon         Honor's List   
Jack Bolin                    Mattoon         Honor's List   
Wyatt Lieske                  Mattoon         Honor's List   
Austin Lynn                    Mattoon         Honor's List   
Madison Bayles                Mattoon         Honor's List   
Kacie Haag                    Mattoon         Honor's List   
Gage Hank                     Mattoon         Honor's List   
Allison McCullough            Mattoon         Honor's List   
Rebekah Nash                  Mattoon         Honor's List   
Carson Goff                   Mattoon         Honor's List   
Morgan Hampton                Mattoon         Honor's List   
Addison Baele                 Mattoon         Honor's List   
Kollin Johnson                Mattoon         Honor's List   
Ali Rodriguez                 Mattoon         Honor's List   
Patricia Swiech               Mattoon         Honor's List   
David Vogel                   Mode            President's List
Courtney Flach                Montrose        President's List
Hunter Flach                  Montrose        President's List
Alex Flach                    Montrose        President's List
Katie Hagen                   Montrose        President's List
Thomas Jewell                 Montrose        President's List
Kathryn Helmink               Montrose        Honor's List   
Christopher Holub             Mount Sterling  President's List
Corey Hodges                  Mount Sterling  President's List
Syed Qadri                    Mount Sterling  President's List
James Ray                     Mount Sterling  President's List
Michael Winn                  Mount Sterling  President's List
Yunus Muhammad                Mount Sterling  President's List
Terrence Jenkins              Mount Sterling  President's List
Michael Blakes                Mount Sterling  President's List
John Nava                      Mount Sterling  President's List
Alan Zaia                     Mount Sterling  President's List
Shane Stehle                  Mount Sterling  President's List
Daniel Shmelevich             Mount Sterling  President's List
Shaun Lundgren                 Mount Sterling  President's List
Michael White                 Mount Sterling  President's List
Darryl Forest                 Mount Sterling  Dean's List    
Alfredo Delgado               Mount Sterling  Dean's List    
Michael Cannon                Mount Sterling  Dean's List    
John Campbell Jr.             Mount Sterling  Dean's List    
Antony Bell                   Mount Sterling  Dean's List    
Brian Patterson               Mount Sterling  Dean's List    
Reginald Handy                Mount Sterling  Honor's List   
Burnett Bey                   Mount Sterling  Honor's List   
Alexander Maynard             Mount Sterling  Honor's List   
Oluwatosin Oki                Mount Sterling  Honor's List   
Christopher Racz              Mount Sterling  Honor's List   
Khorey Anderton               Mount Vernon    President's List
Brandi Herring                Neoga           President's List
Kaylee Beals                  Neoga           President's List
Sawyer James                  Neoga           President's List
Brittany Herring              Neoga           President's List
Jessica Blazich               Neoga           President's List
Cassandra Hall                Neoga            President's List
Alyssa Cravens                Neoga           President's List
Jessica Watson                Neoga           President's List
Lauren Keck                   Neoga           President's List
Megan Bush                    Neoga           President's List
Caleb Abernathy               Neoga           President's List
Kyndall Andrews               Neoga           President's List
Jesse Holt                    Neoga           President's List
Hunter Krampe                  Neoga           President's List
Jesse Wright                  Neoga           President's List
Logan Malcome                 Neoga           President's List
Emma Althoff                  Neoga           Dean's List    
Kathryn O'Dell                 Neoga           Honor's List   
Madison Easton                Neoga           Honor's List   
Matthew Buescher              Neoga           Honor's List   
Emily Hakman                  Neoga           Honor's List   
Trent Koester                 Neoga           Honor's List   
Tachel Brown                  Neoga           Honor's List   
Jeffrey Wasmuth               Neoga           Honor's List   
Kayana Wenglarz               Newman          President's List
Amy Sandschafer               Newton          President's List
Stacey Smithenry              Newton          President's List
Joseph Brooks                 Newton          Dean's List    
Cody Riddle                   Newton          Dean's List     
Kelsey Helmink                Newton          Dean's List    
Logan May                     Newton          Dean's List    
Eilish Swisher                Newton          Dean's List    
Coartnee Ashcraft             Oakland         President's List
Tim Kerans                    Oakland         Dean's List    
Cody Borntreger               Oakland         Honor's List   
Sonya Cordell                 Olney           President's List
Ryan Satterfield              Olney            President's List
John Carie                    Olney           Dean's List    
Ethan Harbert                 Pana            President's List
Shannon Duck                  Pana            President's List
Bethany Beeson                Pana             President's List
Philip Bland                  Pana            President's List
Jacob McLeod                  Pana            President's List
Raegan Reed                   Pana            President's List
Jacob Latonis                 Pana            President's List
Mallory Miller                Pana            President's List
Delaney Oller                 Pana            Dean's List    
Adrianna Suter                Pana            Dean's List    
Cassandra Eilers               Pana            Honor's List   
Rebecca Dagen                 Pana            Honor's List   
Kody Bland                    Pana            Honor's List   
James LaMarche Jr.            Pana            Honor's List   
Hunter Dill                    Paris           President's List
Andrea Speece                 Paris           President's List
Kirsten Reynolds              Paris           President's List
Ivan Hires                    Paris           President's List
Jacob Scott                   Paris           President's List
Amber Tegeler                 Paris           President's List
Benjamin Inman                Paris           Dean's List    
Elisha Bennett                Paris           Dean's List    
Kaleb Kelly                   Paris           Dean's List    
Tatum Trego                   Paris           Dean's List    
Alexa Sitkiewicz              Paris           Dean's List    
Daelynn Miller                Paris           Dean's List    
Sean Lientz                   Paris           Honor's List   
Sabria Cox                    Paris           Honor's List   
Hannah Givens                 Paris           Honor's List   
Jonathan Staley               Paris           Honor's List   
Jeffery Martin                Paris           Honor's List   
Austin Eslinger               Paris           Honor's List   
Arin Boddy                    Paris           Honor's List   
Elijah Mood                   Paris            Honor's List   
Travis Johnson                Pinckneyville   President's List
Jason Colon                   Pinckneyville   President's List
Jason Piper                   Pinckneyville   President's List
Mark Anderson                 Pinckneyville   President's List
Randy Payne                   Pinckneyville   President's List
Nicholas Hollingsworth        Pinckneyville   President's List
Jamal Thomas                  Pinckneyville   President's List
Terry Pinkstaff                Pinckneyville   President's List
Joshua Holt                   Pinckneyville   President's List
Raynard Wilson                Pinckneyville   President's List
Jeffrey Graves                Pinckneyville   President's List
Joshua Rujawitz                Pinckneyville   President's List
Sylvester Eddings             Pinckneyville   President's List
Jack Garrett                  Pinckneyville   Dean's List    
Tyrone Jones                  Pinckneyville   Dean's List    
Russell Primmer               Pinckneyville   Dean's List    
Dontrell Sanders              Pinckneyville   Dean's List    
Josue Morales                 Pinckneyville   Dean's List    
Jimmie Brown                  Pinckneyville   Dean's List    
Benjamin Elliott              Pinckneyville   Dean's List    
Ryan Stueck                   Pinckneyville   Honor's List   
Carl Hicks                    Pinckneyville   Honor's List   
Ricky Bone                    Pinckneyville   Honor's List   
Darvin Florence               Pinckneyville   Honor's List   
Anthony Loomer                Pinckneyville   Honor's List   
Steven Easton                 Pinckneyville   Honor's List   
Myles Stowers                 Pinckneyville   Honor's List   
Alex Rodhouse                 Pleasant Hill   Dean's List    
Connor Stack                  Quincy          President's List
Scott Hunt                    Ramsey          President's List
Danielle Reeder               Ramsey           President's List
Stephanie Vargas              Ramsey          Dean's List    
Elaine VanderHart             Ramsey          Dean's List    
Haley Fuller                  Rantoul         President's List
Matthew Davis                 Rantoul         Honor's List   
Christian Berger              Robinson        President's List
James Lercher                 Robinson        President's List
Wayne Lemons                  Robinson        President's List
Maurice Simmons                Robinson        President's List
Freddie Payne Sr.             Robinson        President's List
Eddy Hays                     Robinson        President's List
James Neuhoff                 Robinson        President's List
Christopher Colin              Robinson        President's List
John Leckbee                  Robinson        President's List
Michael Tohkubbi              Robinson        President's List
Anthony Dow                   Robinson        President's List
Brandon Karaszkiewicz         Robinson        President's List
Jyshawn Jackson               Robinson        President's List
Kyle Muench                   Robinson        President's List
Dexter Wheeler                Robinson        President's List
Vick Barrett                  Robinson        President's List
Benjamin Smith                Robinson        President's List
Noah Chavez                   Robinson        President's List
Glenn Lapidus                 Robinson        President's List
Tyrell Tennort                Robinson        President's List
Dwayne Little                 Robinson        President's List
Alec McLaughlin               Robinson        President's List
Damon Malone                  Robinson        President's List
Bradley Schrock               Robinson        Dean's List    
Thomas Nelson                 Robinson        Dean's List    
Darren Edmondson              Robinson        Dean's List    
Francisco Perez               Robinson         Dean's List    
Julian Horton                 Robinson        Dean's List    
Caleb Hoskins                 Robinson        Dean's List    
John Paul                     Robinson        Dean's List    
Adolfo Perez-Arreguin         Robinson        Dean's List    
Willie Walton                 Robinson        Dean's List    
Delon Delton                  Robinson        Dean's List    
Taylor Potter                 Robinson        Dean's List    
Hamilton Jones                 Robinson        Dean's List    
Walter Scales                 Robinson        Dean's List    
Jessie Fishburn               Robinson        Dean's List    
Aaron Steward                 Robinson        Dean's List    
James Woods                    Robinson        Dean's List    
Anthony Anderson              Robinson        Honor's List   
Michael Dale                  Robinson        Honor's List   
Henry Otis                    Robinson        Honor's List   
Willie Sanders                Robinson        Honor's List   
Kadmiel Barney                Robinson        Honor's List   
Gary Kodat                    Robinson        Honor's List   
Antonio Gomez                 Robinson        Honor's List   
TJ Adams                      Robinson        Honor's List   
Jose Rodriguez                Robinson        Honor's List   
Landis Simon                  Robinson        Honor's List   
Shane Monroe                  Robinson        Honor's List    
Marquis Marrs                 Robinson        Honor's List   
Kyle Hill                     Robinson        Honor's List   
Nicholas Raspanti             Robinson        Honor's List   
Daniel Quijano                Robinson        Honor's List   
Steven Byrd                   Robinson        Honor's List   
Leslie Moore                  Robinson        Honor's List   
Laron Sawyer                  Robinson        Honor's List   
John Darringer                Roodhouse        President's List
Jenna Long                    Saint Elmo      President's List
Kassandra Viramontes          Saint Elmo      President's List
Jenna Miller                  Saint Elmo      Dean's List    
Lucas Underwood               Saint Elmo      Dean's List    
Kyler Wells                   Saint Elmo      Honor's List   
Chase Goss                    Sainte Marie    Honor's List   
Katherine Tipsword            Shelbyville     President's List
Matthew Overbeck              Shelbyville     President's List
Sabrina Milligan              Shelbyville     President's List
Jamie Ashbaker                Shelbyville     President's List
Michaela Donnel               Shelbyville     President's List
William Lenz                   Shelbyville     President's List
Morgan Byars                  Shelbyville     President's List
Quincy Beyers                 Shelbyville     President's List
Peyton Lamb                   Shelbyville     President's List
Josette Dial                   Shelbyville     President's List
Shelby Sloan                  Shelbyville     Dean's List    
Madison Boone                 Shelbyville     Dean's List    
Kelcie Darnell                Shelbyville     Dean's List    
Mackenize Durbin              Shelbyville     Dean's List    
Salena Sloan                  Shelbyville     Dean's List    
Lisa McCann                   Shelbyville     Dean's List    
Laura Koester                 Shelbyville     Honor's List   
Kelsey Byars                  Shelbyville     Honor's List   
Rachel Fox                    Shelbyville     Honor's List   
Madison Towne                 Shelbyville     Honor's List   
Tayler Schanks                Shelbyville     Honor's List   
Debyn Gritzmacher             Shelbyville     Honor's List   
Amanda Pierce                 Shumway         President's List
Leah Kelly                    Shumway         President's List
Devin Kuhlman                 Shumway         Honor's List   
Derby Roan                    Sigel           President's List
Rachel Deters                 Sigel           President's List
Matthew Syfert                Sigel           President's List
Jacob Vogt                    Sigel            President's List
Julie Wente                   Sigel           President's List
Julie Deters                  Sigel           President's List
Andrew Probst                 Sigel           President's List
Dakota Struthers              Sigel           President's List
Jacob Schumacher              Sigel           Dean's List    
Kaitlyn Will                  Sigel           Dean's List    
Courtney Ruholl               Sigel           Dean's List    
Kylea Vohlken                  Smithboro       Honor's List   
Aaron Mitchell                Spring Valley   Honor's List   
Ryan Weeks                    Sterling        President's List
Rachel Schultz                Stewardson      President's List
Kaitlin Slifer                 Stewardson      President's List
Dakota Shadwell               Stewardson      President's List
Jill Conder                   Stewardson      President's List
Milah Chowning                Stewardson      President's List
Jonathan Schultz              Stewardson      Dean's List    
Joel Schultz                  Stewardson      Dean's List    
Clara Kaufman                 Stewardson      Honor's List   
Theodore Kessler              Strasburg       President's List
Austin Rincker                Strasburg       President's List
Ashlyn Riedle                 Strasburg       Dean's List    
Phillip Kaufman               Strasburg       Honor's List   
Timothy Kenny                 Sullivan        President's List
Anna Ernst                    Sullivan        President's List
Zachary Mayberry              Sullivan        President's List
Christian Gipson              Sullivan        President's List
Grant King                    Sullivan        President's List
Lynette Green                 Sullivan        President's List
Kara Springman                Sullivan        President's List
Kirk Whitaker                 Sullivan        President's List
Melanie Adams                 Sullivan         President's List
Lisa Dickens                  Sullivan        Dean's List    
Keegan Kruckeberg             Sullivan        Dean's List    
Rachel Dolan                  Sullivan        Dean's List    
Hailey Vaughn                 Sullivan        Dean's List    
Molli Johnson                 Sullivan        Dean's List    
Peyton Hagerman               Sullivan        Dean's List    
Amanda Davis                  Sullivan        Honor's List   
Kelsie Richardson              Sullivan        Honor's List   
Rebecca Pratt                 Sullivan        Honor's List   
Keeley Benning                Sullivan        Honor's List   
Jadeyn Land                   Sullivan        Honor's List   
Mackenzie Mosier               Sullivan        Honor's List   
Debra Hunter                  Sullivan        Honor's List   
Carlin Nuzzo                  Sullivan        Honor's List   
Kaleb Shumard                 Sullivan        Honor's List   
Dominic Milton                Sumner          President's List
Romandell Vinson              Sumner          President's List
Leonce Ruckman                Sumner          Dean's List    
Torrey Lampkin                Sumner          Dean's List    
Jordan Vargas                 Sumner          Dean's List    
Farris Thomas                 Sumner          Dean's List    
Anthony Williams              Sumner          Dean's List    
Edgar Washington              Sumner          Dean's List     
Andy Cheeks                   Sumner          Honor's List   
Brian Duffin                  Sumner          Honor's List   
Aaron Murphy                  Taylorville     President's List
Scott Mattingly               Taylorville     President's List
David Lynch                   Taylorville     President's List
John Wilson                   Taylorville     President's List
Scotty Richey                 Taylorville     President's List
Edwin Canchola                Taylorville      President's List
Justin Byrd                   Taylorville     President's List
Danny Arroyo                  Taylorville     President's List
Timothy Bradshaw              Taylorville     President's List
Cory Eulberg                  Taylorville     President's List
Keith Antosh                  Taylorville     President's List
Eric Fogelson                 Taylorville     President's List
Joel Frazier                  Taylorville     President's List
Corey Olney                    Taylorville     President's List
Randy King                    Taylorville     President's List
Jiho Lee                      Taylorville     President's List
Anthony Johnson               Taylorville     President's List
James McEvers                  Taylorville     President's List
Christopher Lemerande         Taylorville     President's List
Brett Degler                  Taylorville     President's List
Joshua Markley                Taylorville     President's List
Christopher Laws              Taylorville     President's List
George Germain                Taylorville     President's List
D'Carlos Benton               Taylorville     President's List
Corey Hendriex                Taylorville     President's List
Dustin Link                   Taylorville     President's List
David Eckhoff                 Taylorville     President's List
Anthony Crum                  Taylorville     President's List
Daniel Knaub                  Taylorville     President's List
Mark Kocher                   Taylorville     President's List
Thomas Schardan Jr.           Taylorville     President's List
Brandon Trim                  Taylorville     President's List
Adam Callaway                 Taylorville     President's List
Brandon Baker                 Taylorville     President's List
Gregory Spiller               Taylorville     President's List
Derek Trumbold                Taylorville     Dean's List    
James Burns                   Taylorville      Dean's List    
Andrew Mack                   Taylorville     Dean's List    
Brian Wilson                  Taylorville     Dean's List    
Kelly Ebmeyer                 Taylorville     Dean's List    
Seth Weaver                   Taylorville     Dean's List    
Jonathan Cano                 Taylorville     Dean's List    
Brendan Brankin               Taylorville     Dean's List    
Trevor Baker                  Taylorville     Dean's List    
Amanda Daugherty              Taylorville     Dean's List    
Eduardo Patino                Taylorville     Dean's List    
Casey January                 Taylorville     Dean's List    
Kenneth Frazer                Taylorville     Dean's List    
Ryan Lakin                     Taylorville     Dean's List    
Jacob Stuckey                 Taylorville     Dean's List    
Joshua Hoye                   Taylorville     Dean's List    
William Sieveking             Taylorville     Honor's List   
Randy Stilley                  Taylorville     Honor's List   
Michael Huckstadt             Taylorville     Honor's List   
Richard Koeppel               Taylorville     Honor's List   
Jamie Stewart                 Taylorville     Honor's List   
Timothy Saxton                Taylorville     Honor's List   
Kevin Summers                 Taylorville     Honor's List   
Thomas Orme                   Taylorville     Honor's List   
Kimmie Lang                   Teutopolis      President's List
Elizabeth Huston              Teutopolis      President's List
Dustin Harder                 Teutopolis      President's List
Jordan Thoele                 Teutopolis      President's List
Mitchell Meinhart             Teutopolis      President's List
Colin Niebrugge               Teutopolis      President's List
Mathew Weber                  Teutopolis      President's List
Dalton Kemper                 Teutopolis      President's List
Blake Pruemer                 Teutopolis      President's List
Elizabeth Wessel              Teutopolis      President's List
Aleah Cunningham              Teutopolis      Dean's List    
Taylor Swingler               Teutopolis      Dean's List    
Kyle Smith                    Teutopolis      Dean's List    
Riley Drees                   Teutopolis      Honor's List   
Jennifer McMahon              Teutopolis      Honor's List   
Richard Overbeck              Teutopolis      Honor's List   
John Kreke                    Teutopolis      Honor's List   
Ryan Kremer                   Teutopolis      Honor's List   
Kristina Henson               Toledo          President's List
Christine Martin              Toledo          President's List
Sarah Brown                    Toledo          President's List
Jenna Parrott                 Toledo          President's List
Harvey Norris                 Toledo          President's List
Tyler Goffinet                Toledo          President's List
Colin Cole                     Toledo          Dean's List    
Audrey Casey                  Toledo          Dean's List    
Brianna Sowers                Toledo          Honor's List   
Meghan Burrell                Tower Hill      President's List
Sadie Stork                   Tower Hill      Honor's List   
Kellie Kastl                  Trilla          President's List
Alexis Beals                  Trilla          President's List
Joseph Thompson               Trilla          Honor's List   
Amanda Koss                   Tuscola         President's List
Chelsey Chupp                 Tuscola         Honor's List   
LaToria Smith                 Urbana          Honor's List   
Melody Hoban                  Urbana          Honor's List   
Kevin Fletcher                Vandalia        President's List
Carlos Campos                 Vandalia        President's List
Brandon Stewart               Vandalia        President's List
Zachary Ruckman               Vandalia        President's List
Anthony Glover                Vandalia        Dean's List    
Ronald Mazeika                Vandalia        Honor's List   
Claude Holman                 Vandalia        Honor's List   
Donnell Jones                 Vandalia         Honor's List   
Anthony Askew                 Vandalia        Honor's List   
Bryan Rudd                    Vandalia        Honor's List   
Larry Aday                    Vienna          President's List
Jose Leon                     Vienna          President's List
Eric Manson                   Vienna          President's List
Timothy Buchanan              Vienna          President's List
Lucas Rubitschung             Vienna          President's List
Elliott Banda                  Vienna          President's List
David Salup                   Vienna          President's List
Anthony Brown                 Vienna          President's List
Anthony Anderson              Vienna          President's List
Timothy Morris                 Vienna          President's List
Tae Kim                       Vienna          President's List
Tyrese Tyler                  Vienna          President's List
Jacob Fahey                   Vienna          President's List
Flamingo Jones                Vienna          President's List
Luis Gonzalez-Hernandez       Vienna          President's List
John Martinez                 Vienna          President's List
David Fleming                 Vienna          President's List
Joshua Presley                Vienna          President's List
Rob Traub                     Vienna          President's List
Johnny Butts                  Vienna          President's List
Mitchel Mount                 Vienna          President's List
Ricardo Charleston            Vienna          President's List
Joshua Lacey                  Vienna          President's List
Reymundo Izaguirre            Vienna          President's List
Shawn Roberson                Vienna          President's List
Brian Montgomery              Vienna          President's List
Eric Ivy                      Vienna          President's List
Shawn Lewis                   Vienna          President's List
Eddie Straight                Vienna           President's List
Vincent Martin                Vienna          Dean's List    
Edward Rodriguez              Vienna          Dean's List    
Dustin Ginther                Vienna          Dean's List    
Robert Poole                  Vienna          Dean's List    
Paul Zoulek                   Vienna          Dean's List    
Fred Jackson                  Vienna          Dean's List    
Christopher Canaday           Vienna          Dean's List    
Dale Larson                    Vienna          Dean's List    
Alexander Hart                Vienna          Dean's List    
Darrick Lange                 Vienna          Dean's List    
Aaron Haskins                 Vienna          Dean's List    
Vincent Campbell               Vienna          Honor's List   
Seth Andrews                  Vienna          Honor's List   
Maria Began                   Watson          President's List
Abby Hagen                    Watson          President's List
Braden Harris                 Watson          President's List
Jacob Dust                    Watson          Honor's List   
Keagan Sims                   Westfield       President's List
Alexa Sims                    Westfield       President's List
Katelyn Schultz               Westfield       President's List
Hallie Schultz                Westfield       President's List
Kierstyn Ragon                Westfield       Dean's List    
Andrew Young                  Westfield       Dean's List     
Raeanna Scott                 Westfield       Honor's List   
Ashley Purvis                 Windsor         President's List
Katie Bell                    Windsor         President's List
Darrell Fox                   Windsor         President's List
Haley Maxwell                 Windsor         Dean's List    
Taylor Higgins                Windsor         Dean's List    
Derrick Joyce                 Witt            President's List

Lake Land College has announced that more than 2,000 full-time and part-time students earned academic honors for the 2016 fall semester.

To qualify for the president’s list, a student must have completed at least 12 credit hours in courses numbered 040 or higher per semester, excluding summer term, with a GPA of 3.8 – 4.0.

To qualify for the dean’s list, a student must have completed at least 12 credit hours in courses numbered 040 or higher per semester, excluding summer term, with a GPA of 3.65 – 3.79.

To qualify for the honor’s list, a student must have completed at least 12 hours in courses numbered 040 or higher per semester, excluding summer term, with a GPA of 3.5 – 3.64.

A grade “A” is four points, a “B” is three points, a “C” is two points, etc.

The following full-time students have achieved these academic honors:

Ryan Spade                    Altamont        President's List
Vincent Myers                  Altamont        President's List
Lacy Kennard                  Altamont        President's List
Molly Verdeyen                Altamont        President's List
Jacob Miller                  Altamont        President's List
Lily Laatsch                  Altamont        President's List
Morgan Hofstetter             Altamont        President's List
Jessica Tappan                Altamont        President's List
Kacie Phillips                Altamont        Dean's List    
Jessica Will                  Altamont        Dean's List    
Hannah Began                  Altamont        Dean's List    
Katelyn Homann                Altamont        Honor's List   
Rachel Tillman                Altamont        Honor's List   
Andrew Walk                   Altamont        Honor's List   
Kerigan Phillips              Altamont        Honor's List   
Drew Beachy                   Arcola          President's List
Aaron Wesch                   Arcola          President's List
Hannah Schrock                Arcola          Dean's List    
Andrew Sullivan               Arcola          Honor's List   
Courtney Gutierrez            Arthur          President's List
Landon Gingerich              Arthur           President's List
Jovany Martinez               Arthur          President's List
Joshua Bowman                 Arthur          Honor's List   
Bryan Jobe                    Ashmore         Dean's List    
Tristen Gianneschi            Ashmore         Honor's List   
Hannah Richardson             Assumption      President's List
Jonathan Bialeschki           Atwood          Dean's List    
Karah Krivacek                Aurora          Dean's List    
Justin Reinhardt               Baldwin         President's List
Isabella Reed                 Beecher City    Dean's List    
Caitlin Sloan                 Beecher City    Dean's List    
Justin Reinneck               Belleville      President's List
Megan Reiher                   Belleville      Honor's List   
Blair Monroe                  Bethany         President's List
Race Underwood                Bethany         President's List
Jonathan Gentry               Bethany         President's List
Jasmine Baumbarger            Bethany         President's List
Amy Monroe                    Bethany         Dean's List    
Corey Clark                   Bethany         Dean's List    
Savannah Birch                Bethany         Honor's List   
Kayla Koonce                  Bingham         President's List
Adam Casey                    Bingham         Dean's List    
Chloe Grimes                  Brocton         Honor's List   
Michaela Walk                 Brownstown      President's List
Gabrielle Moore               Brownstown      President's List
Kaylee Sefton                 Brownstown      Honor's List   
John Grimes                   Canton          President's List
Matthew Bryner                Canton          President's List
Alfred Layton                 Canton          President's List
Seth Green                    Canton          President's List
James Sand                    Canton          President's List
Derek Howard                  Canton           Dean's List    
Leonard Telford               Canton          Dean's List    
Ryan Young                    Canton          Dean's List    
Daniel Zito                   Canton          Dean's List    
Edwin Santiago                Canton          Dean's List    
Charles Swisher               Canton          Dean's List    
Kacey Bettencourt             Canton          Dean's List    
Michael Tilley                Canton          Honor's List   
Antonio Gooden                 Canton          Honor's List   
Antonio Hamilton              Canton          Honor's List   
Roberto Hernandez             Canton          Honor's List   
Samuel Jones                  Canton          Honor's List   
Logan Handley                  Canton          Honor's List   
Zachary Brandenburg           Casey           President's List
Chenoa Sowers                 Casey           President's List
Autumn Brandenburg            Casey           President's List
Chelsey Wilkins               Casey           President's List
Darius Fisher                 Casey           Dean's List    
Beau Biggs                    Casey           Dean's List    
Lacy Maulding                 Casey           Honor's List   
Noah Branch                   Centralia       President's List
Joshua Walters                Charleston      President's List
Ashley Orr                    Charleston      President's List
Rebekah Buescher              Charleston      President's List
Johnta Jackson                Charleston      President's List
Kaden Sweeney                 Charleston      President's List
Olivia Oprisan                Charleston      President's List
Gage Evitt                    Charleston      President's List
Carley Smith                  Charleston      President's List
Dallas Wilson                 Charleston      President's List
Michael Wood                  Charleston      President's List
Tammy Sasco                   Charleston       President's List
Cristian Beasley              Charleston      President's List
Corey Callison                Charleston      President's List
Robert Miller                 Charleston      President's List
Ashlee Burton                 Charleston      President's List
Lashawnda Poree               Charleston      President's List
Cathy Sowa                    Charleston      President's List
Clayton McGrady               Charleston      President's List
James DeMent                  Charleston      President's List
Steven Oliver                 Charleston      President's List
Gara Sims                     Charleston      Dean's List    
Chase Lawless                 Charleston      Dean's List    
Millicent Abernathy            Charleston      Dean's List    
Natasha Bardsley              Charleston      Dean's List    
Robin Terwilliger             Charleston      Dean's List    
Lori Hughes                   Charleston      Dean's List    
Courtney Wallace              Charleston      Dean's List    
Yevheniy Busyhin              Charleston      Dean's List    
Sydnee Huddlestun             Charleston      Dean's List    
Kassidy Bonebrake             Charleston      Dean's List    
Garrett Harwood               Charleston      Dean's List    
Matthew Mumaw                 Charleston      Dean's List    
Christopher Czarnecki         Charleston      Dean's List    
Blake Dunham                  Charleston      Dean's List    
Thomas O'Brien                Charleston      Dean's List    
Cory Sims                     Charleston      Dean's List    
Christopher Phillips          Charleston      Honor's List   
Priscilla McKinney            Charleston      Honor's List   
Logan Lauritzen               Charleston      Honor's List   
Amber Colclasure              Charleston      Honor's List   
Ali Trizzle                   Charleston      Honor's List   
Jessica Lovejoy               Charleston      Honor's List   
Dillon McClelland             Charleston      Honor's List   
Nick Agan                     Charleston      Honor's List   
Leunshe Heim                  Charleston      Honor's List   
James Beech                   Charleston      Honor's List   
Andrew Gingerich              Charleston      Honor's List   
Dakota Crowder                Charleston      Honor's List   
Jacob Huss                    Charleston      Honor's List   
Jacob Lewis                   Charleston      Honor's List   
Carrie Dilley                 Cowden          President's List
Charles Cox                   Cowden          Dean's List    
Jensyn Morrison               Cowden          Dean's List    
Bradley Willenborg             Decatur         Dean's List    
Jonathon Warnick              Decatur         Dean's List    
Emily Webster                 Decatur         Honor's List   
Michael Schmidt               Dennison        President's List
Wyatt Goeckner                 Dieterich       President's List
Marshall Mellendorf           Dieterich       President's List
Christopher Flood             Dieterich       President's List
Christopher Lewis             Dieterich       Dean's List    
Storey Woodruff               Dieterich       Dean's List    
Mary Westendorf               Dieterich       Dean's List    
Riley Pruemer                 Dieterich       Dean's List    
Devin Aherin                  Dieterich       Dean's List    
Dunavun Goeckner              Dieterich       Dean's List    
Jodi Thoele                   Dieterich       Honor's List   
Mallorie Vahling              Dieterich       Honor's List   
Travis Niemerg                Dieterich       Honor's List   
Kyle Hardiek                  Dieterich       Honor's List   
Alfred Spillers               Dixon           President's List
Jeremiah Nantz                Dixon           President's List
Clarence Cardish              Dixon           President's List
Jason Range                   Dixon           President's List
Stephen Young                 Dixon           President's List
Oscar Walker                  Dixon           President's List
Dane O'Hare                   Dixon            President's List
Ronald Bieberitz Sr.          Dixon           President's List
Samuel Sympson                Dixon           President's List
Patrick Booker                Dixon           President's List
Adam Henry                    Dixon           President's List
Andre Alfaro                  Dixon           Dean's List    
Dennis Mcie                   Dixon           Honor's List   
Marcus Phelan                 Dixon           Honor's List   
Christopher Gibbons            East Moline     President's List
Justin Knowles                East Moline     President's List
Rodrick Gage                  East Moline     President's List
Larry Chew                    East Moline     President's List
Brent Burge                    East Moline     President's List
Sean Simmons                  East Moline     Dean's List    
Glen Davis                    East Moline     Dean's List    
Toby Przeniczny               East Moline     Dean's List    
Bryant Johnson                East Moline     Dean's List    
Guy Pokorny                   East Moline     Dean's List    
Romanus Ubamadu               East Moline     Dean's List    
Anthony Garcia                East Moline     Honor's List   
Timmie Walton                 East Moline     Honor's List   
Kahende Jake                  East Moline     Honor's List   
Mario Burden                  East Moline     Honor's List   
Nicholas Klein                East Moline     Honor's List   
Chad Oster                    East Moline     Honor's List   
Raun Perrin                   East Saint Louis President's List
Colter Liston                 East Saint Louis President's List
Douglas Kelsay                East Saint Louis President's List
Joseph Bullock                East Saint Louis President's List
Adam Ayers                    East Saint Louis President's List
Darius Gilmore Sr.            East Saint Louis President's List
Damone Stewart                East Saint Louis President's List
Travis Heft                   East Saint Louis President's List
Jeffery Bauman                East Saint Louis President's List
Michael Szekely               East Saint Louis President's List
Brandon Bullock               East Saint Louis President's List
Kenneth Chappell              East Saint Louis President's List
Robert Barnes                 East Saint Louis President's List
Michael Cooper                East Saint Louis President's List
Edgar Boone                    East Saint Louis President's List
Michael Ferstle               East Saint Louis President's List
Justin Caudle                 East Saint Louis President's List
Jason Merritt                 East Saint Louis President's List
Kenneth Doherty                East Saint Louis President's List
Stephan Miller                East Saint Louis President's List
David Downey                  East Saint Louis President's List
Fritz Hull                    East Saint Louis President's List
Stuart Still                  East Saint Louis President's List
Lorenzo Murray                East Saint Louis President's List
Cesar Garcia                  East Saint Louis President's List
Charles Sage III              East Saint Louis President's List
Ronald Fritsch                East Saint Louis President's List
Michael Carter                East Saint Louis President's List
Nicholas O'Connell            East Saint Louis President's List
Phillip Smith                 East Saint Louis President's List
James Cummings                East Saint Louis President's List
Kyle Correll                  East Saint Louis President's List
George Jones                  East Saint Louis Dean's List    
Michael O'Leary               East Saint Louis Dean's List    
James Weis Jr.                East Saint Louis Dean's List    
John Grant                    East Saint Louis Dean's List    
Trevor Callahan               East Saint Louis Honor's List   
James Singleton               East Saint Louis Honor's List   
Antonio Aldava Jr.            East Saint Louis Honor's List   
Stephen Thorp                 East Saint Louis Honor's List   
Michael Hegg                  East Saint Louis Honor's List   
Adam Mayhaus                  Edgewood        President's List
Megan Birk                    Edgewood        Dean's List    
Collin Warren                 Edgewood        Honor's List   
Mehmetcan Gursoy              Edwardsville    President's List
Sarah Slover                  Effingham       President's List
Darek Mix                     Effingham       President's List
Lauren Mersman                Effingham       President's List
Jeffrey Repking               Effingham       President's List
Sydney Feldkamp                Effingham       President's List
Cheryl Macklin                Effingham       President's List
Lyndsey Wiley                 Effingham       President's List
Avery Liss                    Effingham       President's List
Kristina Neu                   Effingham       President's List
Amelia Buscher                Effingham       President's List
Dydra Arnold                  Effingham       President's List
Kelly Keitel                  Effingham       President's List
Jami Swan                     Effingham       President's List
Brett Schackmann              Effingham       President's List
Morgan Gardewine              Effingham       President's List
Anna Schutzbach               Effingham       President's List
Brady Jackson                 Effingham       President's List
Garrett Stanfield             Effingham       President's List
Hannah Dillow                 Effingham       President's List
Luke Jansen                   Effingham       President's List
Emma Kull                     Effingham       President's List
Hany Tawdros                  Effingham       President's List
Kayla Darling                 Effingham       President's List
Tiffany Carter                Effingham       President's List
Thomas Barker                 Effingham       Dean's List    
Kathryn Harrison              Effingham       Dean's List    
Christina Turner              Effingham       Dean's List    
John Bejma                    Effingham       Dean's List    
Jordan Bloemer                Effingham       Dean's List    
Michelle Davis                Effingham       Dean's List    
Blake Dust                    Effingham       Dean's List    
Brianna McDaniel              Effingham       Dean's List    
Ashley Huelsing               Effingham       Dean's List    
Jacob Dilger                  Effingham       Dean's List    
Elizabeth Falconburg          Effingham       Dean's List    
Amanda Bird                    Effingham       Dean's List    
Christopher Jones             Effingham       Dean's List    
Jennifer Fred                 Effingham       Dean's List    
Hope Collier                  Effingham       Dean's List    
Robert Jones                   Effingham       Dean's List    
Joanna Neu                    Effingham       Dean's List    
Alysha Loy                    Effingham       Dean's List    
Amber Quast                   Effingham       Dean's List    
Emma Repking                  Effingham       Dean's List    
Bruce Shamhart                Effingham       Dean's List    
Michael Woltman               Effingham       Dean's List    
Grace Schuler                 Effingham       Dean's List    
Carson Leonard                Effingham       Dean's List    
Ralph Walters                 Effingham       Dean's List    
Benjamin Esgar                Effingham       Dean's List    
Nicholas Bushue               Effingham       Honor's List   
Kelsi Haller                  Effingham       Honor's List   
Haley Ebbert                  Effingham       Honor's List   
Ryan Hails                    Effingham       Honor's List   
Jacob Mette                   Effingham       Honor's List   
Tylor Cross                   Effingham       Honor's List   
Grant Followell               Effingham       Honor's List   
Danny Austin                  Effingham       Honor's List   
Kristen Conley                Effingham        Honor's List   
Anna Schumacher               Effingham       Honor's List   
Trent Yocum                   Effingham       Honor's List   
Will Clausius                 Effingham       Honor's List   
Chipman Schmidt               Effingham       Honor's List   
Kory Avery                    Effingham       Honor's List   
Blake Schumacher              Effingham       Honor's List   
Brady Scott                   Effingham       Honor's List   
Blake Esker                    Effingham       Honor's List   
Alexis Monnet                 Effingham       Honor's List   
Maddison Caldwell             Elmwood         Dean's List    
Elias McNew                   Farina          Dean's List    
Gretchen Macklin               Findlay         President's List
Nicole Miller                 Findlay         President's List
Tyus Brooks                   Findlay         President's List
Austin Sutton                 Findlay         President's List
Samantha Carter               Findlay         Dean's List    
Robert Meauhead               Galesburg       President's List
DeAngelis Bronner             Galesburg       President's List
Tremaine Allen                Galesburg       President's List
Richard Womack                Galesburg       President's List
Chad Hardy                    Galesburg       President's List
Edward Carrasco               Galesburg       President's List
Vernon Lauderdale             Galesburg       Dean's List     
Joel Holmes                   Galesburg       Dean's List    
Stephen Heinzeroth            Galesburg       Dean's List    
Brian Stafford                Galesburg       Dean's List    
Michael Bradley               Galesburg       Dean's List    
Sammie Daniels                Galesburg       Honor's List   
Ryan Salyers                  Galesburg       Honor's List   
Lisa Webb                     Gays            President's List
Tristan Warner                Gays             President's List
Kyle Hanks                    Gays            Honor's List   
Bethany Boose                 Georgetown      Dean's List    
Shannon Dearing               Greenup         President's List
Jason Wingler                 Greenup         President's List
Kevin Miller                  Greenup         President's List
Mara McCollough               Greenup         President's List
Zoe Ray                       Greenup         President's List
Jenna McMechan                 Greenup         President's List
John Hampton                  Greenup         Dean's List    
Dakota Davis                  Greenup         Dean's List    
Sarah Hall                    Greenup         Dean's List    
Seirra Boldrey                 Greenup         Dean's List    
Loretta Kingery               Greenup         Dean's List    
Jennifer Morris               Herrick         President's List
Aaron Rhoades                 Herrick         Dean's List    
Sydney Niemann                Hillsboro       President's List
Aaron Trone                   Hillsboro       President's List
Travis Pokojski               Hillsboro       President's List
Calvin Brooks                 Hillsboro       President's List
Nathan Hale                   Hillsboro       Dean's List    
Dandre Wilson                 Hillsboro       Dean's List    
Melvin Brown                  Hillsboro       Dean's List    
Michael Poole                 Hillsboro       Dean's List     
Mathew Boyd                   Hillsboro       Dean's List    
Joshua Barfield               Hillsboro       Dean's List    
Keith Riesselman              Hillsboro       Honor's List   
Jason Rennecker               Hillsboro       Honor's List   
Jerry Thomas                  Hillsboro       Honor's List   
Arthur Byrum                  Hillsboro       Honor's List   
Jeremie Cummins               Hillsboro       Honor's List   
Michael Christian             Hillsboro        Honor's List   
Paul Lee                      Ina             President's List
Shawn Mathis                  Ina             President's List
Brandon Skelton               Ina             President's List
Christopher Ahasic            Ina              President's List
Larry Jackson                 Ina             President's List
Benjamin Priest               Ina             President's List
Robert Zais                   Ina             President's List
Donald Rutan                  Ina             President's List
Steven Terrell                Ina             President's List
Ronnie Fitzpatrick            Ina             President's List
Jose Lopez                    Ina             President's List
Kevin Nolan                    Ina             President's List
Joshua Phipps                 Ina             President's List
Don Morey                     Ina             Dean's List    
Shawn Mathews                 Ina             Dean's List    
Nicholas Hill                  Ina             Dean's List    
Gregory Barnard               Ina             Honor's List   
James Catt                    Ina             Honor's List   
Darrel Autman                 Ina             Honor's List   
Thomas Eskew                  Ina             Honor's List   
Mark Williams                 Ina             Honor's List   
Justin Harvey                 Ina             Honor's List   
Jacob Newberry                Jacksonville    President's List
Frank Secor                   Jacksonville    President's List
Kurt Dreher                   Jacksonville    President's List
Darnell Toney                 Jacksonville    Dean's List    
Christopher Cullinan          Jacksonville    Dean's List    
Brad Moore                    Jacksonville    Dean's List    
Mark Orozco                   Jacksonville    Dean's List    
Michael Butler                Jacksonville    Honor's List   
Hector Villada                Jacksonville    Honor's List   
Jason Dulceak                 Jacksonville    Honor's List   
Morgan Bergbower              Jewett          Honor's List   
Ronald Winkler                Kansas          President's List
Maria Amill                   Lakewood         President's List
Megan Winchester              Lerna           President's List
Roger Freeman                 Lerna           President's List
Zachary Schneider             Lerna           President's List
Joli Sawyer                   Lerna           President's List
Wesley Otto                   Lerna           Dean's List    
Dakota Lowry                  Lerna           Honor's List   
Nicholas McKnelly             Louisville      President's List
Dylan Bailey                   Louisville      President's List
Dalton Wood                   Louisville      Dean's List    
Braxton Gullidge              Louisville      Honor's List   
Logan Emel                    Lovington       Dean's List    
Jeremy McBride                 Marion          President's List
Sebrina Girton                Marshall        President's List
Zach Martin                   Marshall        President's List
Brody Martin-Stepp            Marshall        President's List
Jacob Miller                  Marshall        President's List
Matthew Babyak                Marshall        President's List
Sheldon Rayhel                Marshall        President's List
Kevin Taylor                  Marshall        Honor's List   
Sarel Pretorius               Marshall        Honor's List   
Hunter Seaton                 Marshall        Honor's List   
John Crane                    Martinsville    President's List
Adora Gowin                   Martinsville    Dean's List    
Faith Boerngen                Mason           President's List
Charles Griffith              Mason           Dean's List    
Benjamin Kuhns                Mason           Dean's List    
Mallory Logan                 Mason           Dean's List    
Thomas Caravello              Mason           Honor's List   
Brian Schottman               Mattoon         President's List
Ryan Spitz                    Mattoon         President's List
Heather Miller                Mattoon          President's List
J Lynn Foss                   Mattoon         President's List
Teah Lawson                   Mattoon         President's List
Matthew Grafton               Mattoon         President's List
Kathrine Gosnell              Mattoon         President's List
Kristen Doty                  Mattoon         President's List
Nathan Carpenter              Mattoon         President's List
Mark Blume                    Mattoon         President's List
Alyssa Nichols                 Mattoon         President's List
Megan Nichols                 Mattoon         President's List
Tyler Smith                   Mattoon         President's List
Melvin Hawkins                Mattoon         President's List
Keisha Smith                   Mattoon         President's List
Chandler Camfield             Mattoon         President's List
Alexander Rhine               Mattoon         President's List
Zachary Lensink               Mattoon         President's List
Paisley Ann Meyer             Mattoon         President's List
Abigail Shamdin               Mattoon         President's List
Dustin Ebie                   Mattoon         President's List
Brianna Eller                 Mattoon         President's List
Leah Osborne                  Mattoon         President's List
Whitney Smith                 Mattoon         President's List
Madison Yoder                 Mattoon         President's List
Jenna Butler                  Mattoon         President's List
Mikayla Willoughby            Mattoon         President's List
Tyler Schuring                Mattoon         President's List
Maci Kyger                    Mattoon         President's List
David Browning                Mattoon         President's List
Jacob Murphy                  Mattoon         President's List
Lacey Knodle                  Mattoon         President's List
Kristen Morlen                Mattoon         President's List
Austin Burgess                Mattoon          President's List
Parker Hiser                  Mattoon         President's List
Megan Myerscough              Mattoon         President's List
Carley Travis                 Mattoon         President's List
Hillary Love                  Mattoon         President's List
Alec James                    Mattoon         President's List
Jed Boyer                     Mattoon         President's List
Daria Voronina                Mattoon         President's List
Michelle Burrus                Mattoon         President's List
Alec Myers                    Mattoon         President's List
Kaylie Huizenga               Mattoon         President's List
Kelly Prescott                Mattoon         President's List
Mary Moenning                  Mattoon         President's List
Claudia Smith                 Mattoon         President's List
Michelle Janes                Mattoon         President's List
Jaida Brockman                Mattoon         President's List
Austin Walter                 Mattoon         President's List
Gloria Kamidi                 Mattoon         President's List
Parker Haerr                  Mattoon         President's List
Connor Genzel                 Mattoon         President's List
Tyler Wright                  Mattoon         President's List
Taylor Inman                  Mattoon         President's List
Luke Thomas                   Mattoon         President's List
Sierra Day                    Mattoon         President's List
Palak Patel                   Mattoon         President's List
John Schneider                Mattoon         President's List
Kaitlyn Pearson               Mattoon         President's List
Nathan Bonifer                Mattoon         President's List
Amanda Price                  Mattoon         President's List
Adam Stepping                 Mattoon         President's List
Sidney Smith                  Mattoon         President's List
Holly Davis                   Mattoon          President's List
Eric Martinez                 Mattoon         President's List
Emily Ivey                    Mattoon         President's List
Scott Mighell                 Mattoon         President's List
Gael Tshilombo                Mattoon         President's List
Kelly Sager                   Mattoon         President's List
Brittani Chamberlain          Mattoon         President's List
Callie Williams               Mattoon         President's List
Kendra Gengenbacher           Mattoon         President's List
Evalena Pullen                Mattoon         Dean's List    
Janice Sullivan               Mattoon         Dean's List    
Kevin Watson                  Mattoon         Dean's List    
Kaitlyn Holland                Mattoon         Dean's List    
Orlando Campuzano             Mattoon         Dean's List    
Cole Diepholz                 Mattoon         Dean's List    
James Ferguson                Mattoon         Dean's List    
Jacob Parsley                  Mattoon         Dean's List    
Emaline Conyers               Mattoon         Dean's List    
Megan Heath                   Mattoon         Dean's List    
Samantha Valentine            Mattoon         Dean's List    
Travis Winans                 Mattoon         Dean's List    
Alyssa Estes                  Mattoon         Dean's List    
Whitley McDaniel              Mattoon         Dean's List    
Shelby Gesell                 Mattoon         Dean's List    
Abigail Bush                  Mattoon         Dean's List    
Sierra Thompson               Mattoon         Dean's List    
Morgan Smith                  Mattoon         Dean's List    
Kiley Spence                  Mattoon         Dean's List    
Cydney Balch                  Mattoon         Honor's List   
Patrick Pelham                Mattoon         Honor's List   
Ashley Ramsey                 Mattoon         Honor's List   
Dustin Birch                  Mattoon         Honor's List   
Emily Neuhauser               Mattoon         Honor's List   
Jackson Ritter                Mattoon         Honor's List   
Jill Welter                   Mattoon         Honor's List   
Matthew McCormick             Mattoon          Honor's List   
Brianna Mattox                Mattoon         Honor's List   
Katelyn Fisher                Mattoon         Honor's List   
Jessica Hoback                Mattoon         Honor's List   
Shannon Daniell               Mattoon         Honor's List   
Landon Crary                  Mattoon         Honor's List   
Jordan Katz                   Mattoon         Honor's List   
Bailey Gowin                  Mattoon         Honor's List   
Chase Gilliland                Mattoon         Honor's List   
Tara Cummings                 Mattoon         Honor's List   
Jack Bolin                    Mattoon         Honor's List   
Wyatt Lieske                  Mattoon         Honor's List   
Austin Lynn                    Mattoon         Honor's List   
Madison Bayles                Mattoon         Honor's List   
Kacie Haag                    Mattoon         Honor's List   
Gage Hank                     Mattoon         Honor's List   
Allison McCullough            Mattoon         Honor's List   
Rebekah Nash                  Mattoon         Honor's List   
Carson Goff                   Mattoon         Honor's List   
Morgan Hampton                Mattoon         Honor's List   
Addison Baele                 Mattoon         Honor's List   
Kollin Johnson                Mattoon         Honor's List   
Ali Rodriguez                 Mattoon         Honor's List   
Patricia Swiech               Mattoon         Honor's List   
David Vogel                   Mode            President's List
Courtney Flach                Montrose        President's List
Hunter Flach                  Montrose        President's List
Alex Flach                    Montrose        President's List
Katie Hagen                   Montrose        President's List
Thomas Jewell                 Montrose        President's List
Kathryn Helmink               Montrose        Honor's List   
Christopher Holub             Mount Sterling  President's List
Corey Hodges                  Mount Sterling  President's List
Syed Qadri                    Mount Sterling  President's List
James Ray                     Mount Sterling  President's List
Michael Winn                  Mount Sterling  President's List
Yunus Muhammad                Mount Sterling  President's List
Terrence Jenkins              Mount Sterling  President's List
Michael Blakes                Mount Sterling  President's List
John Nava                      Mount Sterling  President's List
Alan Zaia                     Mount Sterling  President's List
Shane Stehle                  Mount Sterling  President's List
Daniel Shmelevich             Mount Sterling  President's List
Shaun Lundgren                 Mount Sterling  President's List
Michael White                 Mount Sterling  President's List
Darryl Forest                 Mount Sterling  Dean's List    
Alfredo Delgado               Mount Sterling  Dean's List    
Michael Cannon                Mount Sterling  Dean's List    
John Campbell Jr.             Mount Sterling  Dean's List    
Antony Bell                   Mount Sterling  Dean's List    
Brian Patterson               Mount Sterling  Dean's List    
Reginald Handy                Mount Sterling  Honor's List   
Burnett Bey                   Mount Sterling  Honor's List   
Alexander Maynard             Mount Sterling  Honor's List   
Oluwatosin Oki                Mount Sterling  Honor's List   
Christopher Racz              Mount Sterling  Honor's List   
Khorey Anderton               Mount Vernon    President's List
Brandi Herring                Neoga           President's List
Kaylee Beals                  Neoga           President's List
Sawyer James                  Neoga           President's List
Brittany Herring              Neoga           President's List
Jessica Blazich               Neoga           President's List
Cassandra Hall                Neoga            President's List
Alyssa Cravens                Neoga           President's List
Jessica Watson                Neoga           President's List
Lauren Keck                   Neoga           President's List
Megan Bush                    Neoga           President's List
Caleb Abernathy               Neoga           President's List
Kyndall Andrews               Neoga           President's List
Jesse Holt                    Neoga           President's List
Hunter Krampe                  Neoga           President's List
Jesse Wright                  Neoga           President's List
Logan Malcome                 Neoga           President's List
Emma Althoff                  Neoga           Dean's List    
Kathryn O'Dell                 Neoga           Honor's List   
Madison Easton                Neoga           Honor's List   
Matthew Buescher              Neoga           Honor's List   
Emily Hakman                  Neoga           Honor's List   
Trent Koester                 Neoga           Honor's List   
Tachel Brown                  Neoga           Honor's List   
Jeffrey Wasmuth               Neoga           Honor's List   
Kayana Wenglarz               Newman          President's List
Amy Sandschafer               Newton          President's List
Stacey Smithenry              Newton          President's List
Joseph Brooks                 Newton          Dean's List    
Cody Riddle                   Newton          Dean's List     
Kelsey Helmink                Newton          Dean's List    
Logan May                     Newton          Dean's List    
Eilish Swisher                Newton          Dean's List    
Coartnee Ashcraft             Oakland         President's List
Tim Kerans                    Oakland         Dean's List    
Cody Borntreger               Oakland         Honor's List   
Sonya Cordell                 Olney           President's List
Ryan Satterfield              Olney            President's List
John Carie                    Olney           Dean's List    
Ethan Harbert                 Pana            President's List
Shannon Duck                  Pana            President's List
Bethany Beeson                Pana             President's List
Philip Bland                  Pana            President's List
Jacob McLeod                  Pana            President's List
Raegan Reed                   Pana            President's List
Jacob Latonis                 Pana            President's List
Mallory Miller                Pana            President's List
Delaney Oller                 Pana            Dean's List    
Adrianna Suter                Pana            Dean's List    
Cassandra Eilers               Pana            Honor's List   
Rebecca Dagen                 Pana            Honor's List   
Kody Bland                    Pana            Honor's List   
James LaMarche Jr.            Pana            Honor's List   
Hunter Dill                    Paris           President's List
Andrea Speece                 Paris           President's List
Kirsten Reynolds              Paris           President's List
Ivan Hires                    Paris           President's List
Jacob Scott                   Paris           President's List
Amber Tegeler                 Paris           President's List
Benjamin Inman                Paris           Dean's List    
Elisha Bennett                Paris           Dean's List    
Kaleb Kelly                   Paris           Dean's List    
Tatum Trego                   Paris           Dean's List    
Alexa Sitkiewicz              Paris           Dean's List    
Daelynn Miller                Paris           Dean's List    
Sean Lientz                   Paris           Honor's List   
Sabria Cox                    Paris           Honor's List   
Hannah Givens                 Paris           Honor's List   
Jonathan Staley               Paris           Honor's List   
Jeffery Martin                Paris           Honor's List   
Austin Eslinger               Paris           Honor's List   
Arin Boddy                    Paris           Honor's List   
Elijah Mood                   Paris            Honor's List   
Travis Johnson                Pinckneyville   President's List
Jason Colon                   Pinckneyville   President's List
Jason Piper                   Pinckneyville   President's List
Mark Anderson                 Pinckneyville   President's List
Randy Payne                   Pinckneyville   President's List
Nicholas Hollingsworth        Pinckneyville   President's List
Jamal Thomas                  Pinckneyville   President's List
Terry Pinkstaff                Pinckneyville   President's List
Joshua Holt                   Pinckneyville   President's List
Raynard Wilson                Pinckneyville   President's List
Jeffrey Graves                Pinckneyville   President's List
Joshua Rujawitz                Pinckneyville   President's List
Sylvester Eddings             Pinckneyville   President's List
Jack Garrett                  Pinckneyville   Dean's List    
Tyrone Jones                  Pinckneyville   Dean's List    
Russell Primmer               Pinckneyville   Dean's List    
Dontrell Sanders              Pinckneyville   Dean's List    
Josue Morales                 Pinckneyville   Dean's List    
Jimmie Brown                  Pinckneyville   Dean's List    
Benjamin Elliott              Pinckneyville   Dean's List    
Ryan Stueck                   Pinckneyville   Honor's List   
Carl Hicks                    Pinckneyville   Honor's List   
Ricky Bone                    Pinckneyville   Honor's List   
Darvin Florence               Pinckneyville   Honor's List   
Anthony Loomer                Pinckneyville   Honor's List   
Steven Easton                 Pinckneyville   Honor's List   
Myles Stowers                 Pinckneyville   Honor's List   
Alex Rodhouse                 Pleasant Hill   Dean's List    
Connor Stack                  Quincy          President's List
Scott Hunt                    Ramsey          President's List
Danielle Reeder               Ramsey           President's List
Stephanie Vargas              Ramsey          Dean's List    
Elaine VanderHart             Ramsey          Dean's List    
Haley Fuller                  Rantoul         President's List
Matthew Davis                 Rantoul         Honor's List   
Christian Berger              Robinson        President's List
James Lercher                 Robinson        President's List
Wayne Lemons                  Robinson        President's List
Maurice Simmons                Robinson        President's List
Freddie Payne Sr.             Robinson        President's List
Eddy Hays                     Robinson        President's List
James Neuhoff                 Robinson        President's List
Christopher Colin              Robinson        President's List
John Leckbee                  Robinson        President's List
Michael Tohkubbi              Robinson        President's List
Anthony Dow                   Robinson        President's List
Brandon Karaszkiewicz         Robinson        President's List
Jyshawn Jackson               Robinson        President's List
Kyle Muench                   Robinson        President's List
Dexter Wheeler                Robinson        President's List
Vick Barrett                  Robinson        President's List
Benjamin Smith                Robinson        President's List
Noah Chavez                   Robinson        President's List
Glenn Lapidus                 Robinson        President's List
Tyrell Tennort                Robinson        President's List
Dwayne Little                 Robinson        President's List
Alec McLaughlin               Robinson        President's List
Damon Malone                  Robinson        President's List
Bradley Schrock               Robinson        Dean's List    
Thomas Nelson                 Robinson        Dean's List    
Darren Edmondson              Robinson        Dean's List    
Francisco Perez               Robinson         Dean's List    
Julian Horton                 Robinson        Dean's List    
Caleb Hoskins                 Robinson        Dean's List    
John Paul                     Robinson        Dean's List    
Adolfo Perez-Arreguin         Robinson        Dean's List    
Willie Walton                 Robinson        Dean's List    
Delon Delton                  Robinson        Dean's List    
Taylor Potter                 Robinson        Dean's List    
Hamilton Jones                 Robinson        Dean's List    
Walter Scales                 Robinson        Dean's List    
Jessie Fishburn               Robinson        Dean's List    
Aaron Steward                 Robinson        Dean's List    
James Woods                    Robinson        Dean's List    
Anthony Anderson              Robinson        Honor's List   
Michael Dale                  Robinson        Honor's List   
Henry Otis                    Robinson        Honor's List   
Willie Sanders                Robinson        Honor's List   
Kadmiel Barney                Robinson        Honor's List   
Gary Kodat                    Robinson        Honor's List   
Antonio Gomez                 Robinson        Honor's List   
TJ Adams                      Robinson        Honor's List   
Jose Rodriguez                Robinson        Honor's List   
Landis Simon                  Robinson        Honor's List   
Shane Monroe                  Robinson        Honor's List    
Marquis Marrs                 Robinson        Honor's List   
Kyle Hill                     Robinson        Honor's List   
Nicholas Raspanti             Robinson        Honor's List   
Daniel Quijano                Robinson        Honor's List   
Steven Byrd                   Robinson        Honor's List   
Leslie Moore                  Robinson        Honor's List   
Laron Sawyer                  Robinson        Honor's List   
John Darringer                Roodhouse        President's List
Jenna Long                    Saint Elmo      President's List
Kassandra Viramontes          Saint Elmo      President's List
Jenna Miller                  Saint Elmo      Dean's List    
Lucas Underwood               Saint Elmo      Dean's List    
Kyler Wells                   Saint Elmo      Honor's List   
Chase Goss                    Sainte Marie    Honor's List   
Katherine Tipsword            Shelbyville     President's List
Matthew Overbeck              Shelbyville     President's List
Sabrina Milligan              Shelbyville     President's List
Jamie Ashbaker                Shelbyville     President's List
Michaela Donnel               Shelbyville     President's List
William Lenz                   Shelbyville     President's List
Morgan Byars                  Shelbyville     President's List
Quincy Beyers                 Shelbyville     President's List
Peyton Lamb                   Shelbyville     President's List
Josette Dial                   Shelbyville     President's List
Shelby Sloan                  Shelbyville     Dean's List    
Madison Boone                 Shelbyville     Dean's List    
Kelcie Darnell                Shelbyville     Dean's List    
Mackenize Durbin              Shelbyville     Dean's List    
Salena Sloan                  Shelbyville     Dean's List    
Lisa McCann                   Shelbyville     Dean's List    
Laura Koester                 Shelbyville     Honor's List   
Kelsey Byars                  Shelbyville     Honor's List   
Rachel Fox                    Shelbyville     Honor's List   
Madison Towne                 Shelbyville     Honor's List   
Tayler Schanks                Shelbyville     Honor's List   
Debyn Gritzmacher             Shelbyville     Honor's List   
Amanda Pierce                 Shumway         President's List
Leah Kelly                    Shumway         President's List
Devin Kuhlman                 Shumway         Honor's List   
Derby Roan                    Sigel           President's List
Rachel Deters                 Sigel           President's List
Matthew Syfert                Sigel           President's List
Jacob Vogt                    Sigel            President's List
Julie Wente                   Sigel           President's List
Julie Deters                  Sigel           President's List
Andrew Probst                 Sigel           President's List
Dakota Struthers              Sigel           President's List
Jacob Schumacher              Sigel           Dean's List    
Kaitlyn Will                  Sigel           Dean's List    
Courtney Ruholl               Sigel           Dean's List    
Kylea Vohlken                  Smithboro       Honor's List   
Aaron Mitchell                Spring Valley   Honor's List   
Ryan Weeks                    Sterling        President's List
Rachel Schultz                Stewardson      President's List
Kaitlin Slifer                 Stewardson      President's List
Dakota Shadwell               Stewardson      President's List
Jill Conder                   Stewardson      President's List
Milah Chowning                Stewardson      President's List
Jonathan Schultz              Stewardson      Dean's List    
Joel Schultz                  Stewardson      Dean's List    
Clara Kaufman                 Stewardson      Honor's List   
Theodore Kessler              Strasburg       President's List
Austin Rincker                Strasburg       President's List
Ashlyn Riedle                 Strasburg       Dean's List    
Phillip Kaufman               Strasburg       Honor's List   
Timothy Kenny                 Sullivan        President's List
Anna Ernst                    Sullivan        President's List
Zachary Mayberry              Sullivan        President's List
Christian Gipson              Sullivan        President's List
Grant King                    Sullivan        President's List
Lynette Green                 Sullivan        President's List
Kara Springman                Sullivan        President's List
Kirk Whitaker                 Sullivan        President's List
Melanie Adams                 Sullivan         President's List
Lisa Dickens                  Sullivan        Dean's List    
Keegan Kruckeberg             Sullivan        Dean's List    
Rachel Dolan                  Sullivan        Dean's List    
Hailey Vaughn                 Sullivan        Dean's List    
Molli Johnson                 Sullivan        Dean's List    
Peyton Hagerman               Sullivan        Dean's List    
Amanda Davis                  Sullivan        Honor's List   
Kelsie Richardson              Sullivan        Honor's List   
Rebecca Pratt                 Sullivan        Honor's List   
Keeley Benning                Sullivan        Honor's List   
Jadeyn Land                   Sullivan        Honor's List   
Mackenzie Mosier               Sullivan        Honor's List   
Debra Hunter                  Sullivan        Honor's List   
Carlin Nuzzo                  Sullivan        Honor's List   
Kaleb Shumard                 Sullivan        Honor's List   
Dominic Milton                Sumner          President's List
Romandell Vinson              Sumner          President's List
Leonce Ruckman                Sumner          Dean's List    
Torrey Lampkin                Sumner          Dean's List    
Jordan Vargas                 Sumner          Dean's List    
Farris Thomas                 Sumner          Dean's List    
Anthony Williams              Sumner          Dean's List    
Edgar Washington              Sumner          Dean's List     
Andy Cheeks                   Sumner          Honor's List   
Brian Duffin                  Sumner          Honor's List   
Aaron Murphy                  Taylorville     President's List
Scott Mattingly               Taylorville     President's List
David Lynch                   Taylorville     President's List
John Wilson                   Taylorville     President's List
Scotty Richey                 Taylorville     President's List
Edwin Canchola                Taylorville      President's List
Justin Byrd                   Taylorville     President's List
Danny Arroyo                  Taylorville     President's List
Timothy Bradshaw              Taylorville     President's List
Cory Eulberg                  Taylorville     President's List
Keith Antosh                  Taylorville     President's List
Eric Fogelson                 Taylorville     President's List
Joel Frazier                  Taylorville     President's List
Corey Olney                    Taylorville     President's List
Randy King                    Taylorville     President's List
Jiho Lee                      Taylorville     President's List
Anthony Johnson               Taylorville     President's List
James McEvers                  Taylorville     President's List
Christopher Lemerande         Taylorville     President's List
Brett Degler                  Taylorville     President's List
Joshua Markley                Taylorville     President's List
Christopher Laws              Taylorville     President's List
George Germain                Taylorville     President's List
D'Carlos Benton               Taylorville     President's List
Corey Hendriex                Taylorville     President's List
Dustin Link                   Taylorville     President's List
David Eckhoff                 Taylorville     President's List
Anthony Crum                  Taylorville     President's List
Daniel Knaub                  Taylorville     President's List
Mark Kocher                   Taylorville     President's List
Thomas Schardan Jr.           Taylorville     President's List
Brandon Trim                  Taylorville     President's List
Adam Callaway                 Taylorville     President's List
Brandon Baker                 Taylorville     President's List
Gregory Spiller               Taylorville     President's List
Derek Trumbold                Taylorville     Dean's List    
James Burns                   Taylorville      Dean's List    
Andrew Mack                   Taylorville     Dean's List    
Brian Wilson                  Taylorville     Dean's List    
Kelly Ebmeyer                 Taylorville     Dean's List    
Seth Weaver                   Taylorville     Dean's List    
Jonathan Cano                 Taylorville     Dean's List    
Brendan Brankin               Taylorville     Dean's List    
Trevor Baker                  Taylorville     Dean's List    
Amanda Daugherty              Taylorville     Dean's List    
Eduardo Patino                Taylorville     Dean's List    
Casey January                 Taylorville     Dean's List    
Kenneth Frazer                Taylorville     Dean's List    
Ryan Lakin                     Taylorville     Dean's List    
Jacob Stuckey                 Taylorville     Dean's List    
Joshua Hoye                   Taylorville     Dean's List    
William Sieveking             Taylorville     Honor's List   
Randy Stilley                  Taylorville     Honor's List   
Michael Huckstadt             Taylorville     Honor's List   
Richard Koeppel               Taylorville     Honor's List   
Jamie Stewart                 Taylorville     Honor's List   
Timothy Saxton                Taylorville     Honor's List   
Kevin Summers                 Taylorville     Honor's List   
Thomas Orme                   Taylorville     Honor's List   
Kimmie Lang                   Teutopolis      President's List
Elizabeth Huston              Teutopolis      President's List
Dustin Harder                 Teutopolis      President's List
Jordan Thoele                 Teutopolis      President's List
Mitchell Meinhart             Teutopolis      President's List
Colin Niebrugge               Teutopolis      President's List
Mathew Weber                  Teutopolis      President's List
Dalton Kemper                 Teutopolis      President's List
Blake Pruemer                 Teutopolis      President's List
Elizabeth Wessel              Teutopolis      President's List
Aleah Cunningham              Teutopolis      Dean's List    
Taylor Swingler               Teutopolis      Dean's List    
Kyle Smith                    Teutopolis      Dean's List    
Riley Drees                   Teutopolis      Honor's List   
Jennifer McMahon              Teutopolis      Honor's List   
Richard Overbeck              Teutopolis      Honor's List   
John Kreke                    Teutopolis      Honor's List   
Ryan Kremer                   Teutopolis      Honor's List   
Kristina Henson               Toledo          President's List
Christine Martin              Toledo          President's List
Sarah Brown                    Toledo          President's List
Jenna Parrott                 Toledo          President's List
Harvey Norris                 Toledo          President's List
Tyler Goffinet                Toledo          President's List
Colin Cole                     Toledo          Dean's List    
Audrey Casey                  Toledo          Dean's List    
Brianna Sowers                Toledo          Honor's List   
Meghan Burrell                Tower Hill      President's List
Sadie Stork                   Tower Hill      Honor's List   
Kellie Kastl                  Trilla          President's List
Alexis Beals                  Trilla          President's List
Joseph Thompson               Trilla          Honor's List   
Amanda Koss                   Tuscola         President's List
Chelsey Chupp                 Tuscola         Honor's List   
LaToria Smith                 Urbana          Honor's List   
Melody Hoban                  Urbana          Honor's List   
Kevin Fletcher                Vandalia        President's List
Carlos Campos                 Vandalia        President's List
Brandon Stewart               Vandalia        President's List
Zachary Ruckman               Vandalia        President's List
Anthony Glover                Vandalia        Dean's List    
Ronald Mazeika                Vandalia        Honor's List   
Claude Holman                 Vandalia        Honor's List   
Donnell Jones                 Vandalia         Honor's List   
Anthony Askew                 Vandalia        Honor's List   
Bryan Rudd                    Vandalia        Honor's List   
Larry Aday                    Vienna          President's List
Jose Leon                     Vienna          President's List
Eric Manson                   Vienna          President's List
Timothy Buchanan              Vienna          President's List
Lucas Rubitschung             Vienna          President's List
Elliott Banda                  Vienna          President's List
David Salup                   Vienna          President's List
Anthony Brown                 Vienna          President's List
Anthony Anderson              Vienna          President's List
Timothy Morris                 Vienna          President's List
Tae Kim                       Vienna          President's List
Tyrese Tyler                  Vienna          President's List
Jacob Fahey                   Vienna          President's List
Flamingo Jones                Vienna          President's List
Luis Gonzalez-Hernandez       Vienna          President's List
John Martinez                 Vienna          President's List
David Fleming                 Vienna          President's List
Joshua Presley                Vienna          President's List
Rob Traub                     Vienna          President's List
Johnny Butts                  Vienna          President's List
Mitchel Mount                 Vienna          President's List
Ricardo Charleston            Vienna          President's List
Joshua Lacey                  Vienna          President's List
Reymundo Izaguirre            Vienna          President's List
Shawn Roberson                Vienna          President's List
Brian Montgomery              Vienna          President's List
Eric Ivy                      Vienna          President's List
Shawn Lewis                   Vienna          President's List
Eddie Straight                Vienna           President's List
Vincent Martin                Vienna          Dean's List    
Edward Rodriguez              Vienna          Dean's List    
Dustin Ginther                Vienna          Dean's List    
Robert Poole                  Vienna          Dean's List    
Paul Zoulek                   Vienna          Dean's List    
Fred Jackson                  Vienna          Dean's List    
Christopher Canaday           Vienna          Dean's List    
Dale Larson                    Vienna          Dean's List    
Alexander Hart                Vienna          Dean's List    
Darrick Lange                 Vienna          Dean's List    
Aaron Haskins                 Vienna          Dean's List    
Vincent Campbell               Vienna          Honor's List   
Seth Andrews                  Vienna          Honor's List   
Maria Began                   Watson          President's List
Abby Hagen                    Watson          President's List
Braden Harris                 Watson          President's List
Jacob Dust                    Watson          Honor's List   
Keagan Sims                   Westfield       President's List
Alexa Sims                    Westfield       President's List
Katelyn Schultz               Westfield       President's List
Hallie Schultz                Westfield       President's List
Kierstyn Ragon                Westfield       Dean's List    
Andrew Young                  Westfield       Dean's List     
Raeanna Scott                 Westfield       Honor's List   
Ashley Purvis                 Windsor         President's List
Katie Bell                    Windsor         President's List
Darrell Fox                   Windsor         President's List
Haley Maxwell                 Windsor         Dean's List    
Taylor Higgins                Windsor         Dean's List    
Derrick Joyce                 Witt            President's List