Potential Scam Reported by Listener
Published on February 20 2017 11:14 am
Last Updated on February 20 2017 11:14 am
Written by Greg Sapp
A listener contacted our newsroom to report a potential scam.
The listener said he was phoned by someone who said they were with DISH Network. The caller wanted the listener to go to his remote control and see what receiver they use. They then mentioned to the listener a free upgrade, but they needed the listener's PIN off the receiver. The caller didn't leave a number, just said they would call back.
The listener then hung up on the caller. They then phone DISH Network. The DISH representative said they'd heard of the calls.
The DISH representative indicated that they only contact customers by mail or email, not by phone.
The listener said they'd heard of another person who was contacted and that person shared some information.
Your best option is to simply hang up when you receive such a caller.
Thanks to our listener for the tip.