Springfield Diocese to Celebrate Diocesan Synod
Published on January 17 2017 2:26 pm
Last Updated on January 17 2017 2:27 pm
Bishop Thomas John Paprocki has decreed for 2017 that the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois will celebrate its fourth diocesan synod. The previous diocesan synods were held in 1889, when the diocese was based in Alton. In 1953 and 1963 Synods were held in Springfield. It has been more than half a century since the previous diocesan synod.
A diocesan synod is a group of selected priests and other Christian faithful of a particular diocese which meets to offer assistance to the diocesan bishop for the good of the entire diocesan community. The word “synod” means “meeting” in Greek. A diocesan synod is a special type of meeting convoking a sizeable number of people who advise the diocesan bishop in setting the direction for the pastoral ministry of the parishes and other components of the diocese itself for the next several years.
The mandate that Bishop Paprocki has established for the diocesan synod is to consider how the diocese can make a communal commitment as a diocesan community of clergy and laity regarding discipleship and stewardship as a way of life. Specifically, this will include what it means as a diocese in terms of stewardship of time, talent and treasure. Closely related to this will be how community-wide support of Catholic education can be fostered so that more students will be able to attend Catholic schools. This involves understanding Catholic education as being the responsibility for everyone in each parish as a means to hand on the faith to the next generation of Catholics, not just the financial burden of parents to pay for their children’s education.
Thus, the theme of the Diocesan Synod will be: “A Call to Discipleship: Come and See.”
Bishop Paprocki said, “My main hope for our diocesan synod is that our clergy and laity together with me will make a heartfelt commitment to stewardship and discipleship as a way of life. We will need to overcome our doubts and fears in order to succeed in this endeavor. In the end, what makes this so important is that it is all about our future as Church,” he said.
The general timeline will start with an Opening Ceremony on Jan. 22, 2017. Throughout 2017, committees will draft the synodal directory, the questions for discussion and proposed synodal declarations, decrees and statutes. There will be listening sessions in the deaneries and parishes, as well as opportunities for people to offer feedback online through our diocesan website. The Solemn Closing of the Synod will take place on Nov. 26.