Altamont School Board Works on Dual Credit Courses
Published on January 10 2017 4:26 pm
Last Updated on January 10 2017 4:26 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Altamont school board members Monday heard about progress with Eastern Illinois University on dual credit classes.
High school principal Jerry Tkachuk said a discussion with EIU officials went well. Tkachuk said with "luck and good scheduling", they should be able to offer dual credit in Speech, US History and Environmental Biology next year. English will require some work before it can be offered for dual credit.
Tkachuk said work to prepare juniors for the SAT is underway, since Illinois is moving away from PARCC testing.
Grade school principal Doug Hill recognized 8th grader Brennyn Abendroth for being the 2016-17 Geo Bee Champion of Altamont Grade School. Abendroth will now test for National qualification.
Superintendent Jeff Fritchtnitch reported on work nearing completion on the greenhouse, work needed on the HVAC system at the high school, and work to install footings under the walk-in freezer at the high school.
The Altamont board also voted to put the 1% countywide sales tax question on the April 4 ballot, approved an Architectural Drafting course, approved a maternity leave for Stephanie Hudgens, and hired Amanda Tonn as custodian.