New Jasper Board Amends Circuit Clerk Budget
Published on December 16 2016 2:39 pm
Last Updated on December 16 2016 2:39 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
The newly-seated Jasper County Board Thursday voted to increase the circuit clerk's budget by $14,500.
Circuit Clerk Jamie Blake had attended board meetings the past few months, seeking the increase so she could make staff changes that she said would allow her to properly serve the public.
The Board heard that there were guests at the Road and Bridge Committee meeting. Members of the Cumberland County Board and their county engineer were in attendance. The Jasper board is currently seeking a new engineer.
The Sheriff's Committee heard that deputies are working many hours of overtime, but the situation should correct itself soon. They plan to interview for a part-time dispatcher, and also discussed cell phone costs, which are close to $4,000/year. Recent salary increases due to a new contract total more than $27,000/year.
Board members heard from County Treasurer Clinton Bigard, who reported on county fund balances dating back to 2000. Bigard discussed the decline in sales tax revenue and in real estate taxes from the Newton power plant, but noted income tax revenue is up slightly and personal property replacement tax revenue is stable. One change approved is that direct deposit is now available at any Jasper County financial institution.
The Board passed the tax levy for the new fiscal year, voted to purchase a new power load system for the ambulance system in each of the next three years at a total cost of just over $70,000, and appointed J. Smithenry and Larry Brooks to two-year terms on the Jasper County 911 Board.