County Board Thanks DePoister; Moves Ahead on Budget and Levy Process


Published on November 29 2016 4:12 pm
Last Updated on November 29 2016 4:14 pm
Written by Greg Sapp


The Effingham County Board Tuesday said farewell to Mike DePoister as a member of the board, although he indicated he might still be around in other capacities.

John Perry defeated DePoister earlier this month in the election to the Board from District E. Perry will be seated at the Board's reorganizational meeting next Monday. Board Chairman Jim Niemann presented DePoister a plaque in appreciation of his four years' service.

DePoister indicated he might remain on some of the committees overseen by the Board, serving as a public member. He said one of the things he'll remember fondly is his interaction with other Board members. He said he thinks everyone should seek to serve on public bodies, saying it's a learning experience about how things really work in government.

The Board also discussed the proposed tax levy and budget for the fiscal year that begins December 1. Tax and Finance Commitee Chairman Rob Arnold said nothing is done, even after Tuesday's meeting, although a proposed budget and levy are in place. 

The proposed budget is still $230,000 in the red, with Arnold predicting the Board will dip into savings to cover the difference. The Board also considered a motion to ask the voters to increase the county public safety tax rate by 1/4 cent, but the measure failed 4-3. Lloyd Foster proposed seeking the increase and Doug McCain seconded the motion. Others said they weren't necessarily against seeking the increase, but not at this time since there's no plan in place as to how the increase in revenue would specifically be used. Foster, McCain and Jeff Simpson voted to put the question on the April ballot, with Simpson saying it would give the voters a chance to vote on whether to approve the increase. Members Dave Campbell, Joe Thoele, Arnold and DePoister voted No on the question. Chairman Jim Niemann did not vote on the question as he didn't need to break a tie, and Board member Karen Luchtefeld was not present at the meeting.

As for the proposed budget, Arnold indicated the measure would be placed on the county's website for public review. Final votes on both measures will come in December.

Here's our Greg Sapp's conversation with Rob Arnold on the levy and budget situation...

Also Tuesday, the County Board approved a one-year agreement with West and Company for audit services for just over $47,000; the salary schedule was amended to correctly reflect the pay of a county highway enigneering technician; a line item for drug addiction treatment fees for juveniles and probation cases was established; and it was decided to create a Waste Management Committee. 

The Committee, to be appointed by the County, will include a representative of the County, the City of Effingham, the County Health Department, the landfill, and the public at large. The committee will be asked to consider tipping fees and recycling in the county.