Next Generation 911 Systems to be Featured in Effingham
Published on November 17 2016 10:19 am
Last Updated on November 17 2016 10:29 am
Written by Greg Sapp
A presentation is to be held in March in Effingham featuring Next Generation 911 systems.
The Effingham County 911 Board learned about the meeting, which will be one of three held in Effingham to discuss the systems. The Effingham meeting will be held March 21 at the Effingham Knights of Columbus Building. The meeting will host all southern Illinois counties. Similar gatherings will be held for central and northern Illinois counties.
The Effingham County 911 Board has been hearing about Next Generation technology in recent years. Next Gen will allow 911 telecommunicators to receive text reports from citizens, not just phone calls is now the case. Telecommunicators will also be able to receive video communications.
911 System Administrator Jodi Moomaw said another goal is to interconnect all 911 systems in the state.
In a related story, Moomaw is being recognized for her appointment as Secretary for the Illinois National Emergency Number Association Board. The appointment came during the Illinois Public Safety Telecommunications Association Conference in Springfield.
The INENA Board works to improve the development and implementation of the universal emergency telephone number common to all jurisdictions through research, planning, training and education. The Board represents its members before communications regulatory agencies and appropriate policy-making and legislative bodies.
Moomaw is also on the 911 Public Education Committee and the Chairperson to the Leadership Scholarship Committee for INENA.