North Clay Board Celebrates Chromebook Use in District

Published on September 29 2016 2:50 pm
Last Updated on September 30 2016 10:49 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Chromebook is being heavily utilized this year in North Clay schools.
Board members heard Wednesday that the district's Chromebook 1:1 program is underway. The "1:1" designation stands for one device for each student. Every student is now online.
The district's technology team of Adrian Guzman and Chad Traub have worked to implement the launch. Access points are being added in the high school building at Louisville to help keep up with the demand on bandwidth.
Teachers are integrating technology across all subjects. All PE classes began the year doing research on different Olympic events, then giving presentations on their Chromebooks.
A technology workshop hosted by North Clay in August was well-attended by faculty members.
Also Wednesday, district officials made note that three North Clay students, Michael Lovett, Quincy Aldrich and Brandon Repking, had been recognized for their efforts to save a man's life at Newton Lake; Rick Slaughter of Salvation Army presented the district with a $500 gift card for student and district needs; and it was voted to trade in a school bus and seek bids on a replacement vehicle with the option to sell off a second bus.
The Board adopted a budget for the fiscal year. Superintendent Monty Aldrich said the district received $144,000 in payments from the State after the past fiscal year had ended, but was hesitant to add that amount to this year's budget. Aldrich said the State indicated the district would receive all of its promised funding this year, but said he is not confident that will happen by the end of the fiscal year next June.
FFA Alumni Vice President Terry Hronec reported bids on a greenhouse project were rejected, but the project was rebid with bids due on October 3. Hronec asked the district's help on the project in an amount not to exceed $15,000. There was a lengthy discussion on whether the price could be reduced by doing some of the work in-house. It was decided to make a decision once the bids are opened.
Several board policies were reviewed. The smoke-free campus policy will be enforced. Random student drug testing has not been done for two or three years, but one board member said it's hard to measure how many students didn't abuse the policy since they knew it's in place. The policy will remain in effect. K-9 searches on school grounds will also continue. Out of district tuition will continue to be charged those students who come to North Clay to take driver's education. A policy on individuals not confronting coaches for 24 hours after events will be further reviewed at the end of the school year. A prohibition on practices and events on Wednesday nights will be reviewed at the end of the school year since there are now some taking place on Wednesdays. There was considerable discussion about Chain of Command and that concerns should first be brought to the Administration and not to individual board members, with a consensus that all should promote the Chain of Command guideline. There was also considerable discussion about allowing bus riding students two stop options and that transportation officials and bus drivers work on the pickup and delivery of students on a daily basis.
There was discussion about proclaiming Friday, October 21 as Principals Day, but the principals asked for it not to happen, and that all employees should be recognized.
Following a closed session, the Board hired Terry Hronec as a fulltime bus driver, hired Bambi Hall as a Title I paraprofessional, and David Guinn as boys junior high assistant basketball coach.