Unit 40 Tentative Budget Shows Smaller Deficit
Published on August 22 2016 9:14 pm
Last Updated on August 22 2016 9:14 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
The budget for the coming fiscal year for the Effingham Unit 40 School District shows a smaller deficit than the previous year, with balances remaining in every fund.
The measure forecasts a $359,000 deficit regarding income and outgo. Superintendent Mark Doan said, "It's a significant reduction from last year, and we're in a much better place than we were last year."
The spending blueprint shows a $388,000 deficit in the Education Fund and a $197,000 deficit in the Operations and Maintenance Fund, while the Debt Service Fund is pretty much a wash, and the Working Cash Fund shows a more than $200,000 increase. The Transportation Fund shows $48,000 more in income than outgo.
Speaking of transportation, the Board agreed to lease seven new buses as they attempt to get on a five-year replacement plan of vehicles, thus disposing of the vehicles about the time the depreciation on the vehicles ends. Seven older vehicles will either be sold or traded in, depending on whichever means more money for the district.
The Board discussed work to improve roadways and parking areas at Central Grade School. The plan is to repair the front drive, to add parking spaces to the north of the building, and to repair the roadway around the playground, which is some of the original asphalt at the building.
Board members also heard that bids on re-roofing the 1964 addition at the junior high building, or at least the small gym at the building, are to be opened on September 1 with the possibility of a special Board meeting to consider awarding the bids in hopes of getting the project completed this fall.
The Board heard from Southside School Principal Cheri Marten on a more comprehensive report for parents on how their first graders are doing in school. Marten said the first graders will still get letter grades, but their parents will also get information with their report card on areas where their children could use a little more help, a tool to let the parents know where they could offer the students a little more assistance. Marten said if the project goes well, it will expand to second graders.
The Board heard from City Administrator Jim Arndt and Enterprise Zone Administrator Sasha Althoff on the proposed Enterprise Zone being sought by the city and the village of Teutopolis as an economic development tool. Althoff said 465 projects have been undertaken since the current Enterprise Zone was established in 1988, with $622 million in investments seen in the zone, with 3,100 jobs created and 5,000 jobs retained. An Enterprise Zone involves waiving property taxes on improvements in the zone, three years on commercial projects and seven years on industrial projects under the new proposal. The proposal will be submitted to the State by year's end, and the State will announce whether the proposal is approved by August 2017. Unit 40, like other taxing bodies that are a part of the proposed zone, are being asked to sign off on the property tax abatements. The Board took no action on the request at Monday's meeting.
Doan reported that enrollment in Unit 40 is up, and significantly, in the new school year. He said there are 93 more students enrolled in the district than at this time last year. The increase is especially seen at the high school and junior high school.
In personnel moves, the Unit 40 Board approved Jim Siner as a member of the Unit 40 Foundation Board.
Approved for employment were:
David Hoesli, Cindy Mapes, Kim Knierim and Janet Inman as bus drivers; Denise Elson, Les Boothby, Julie Cornell, and Karen Dust as cafeteria monitors; Jason Warner and Ben Sporleder as custodians; and Todd Thoele for groundskeeping and maintenance.
The Board also appointed Morgan Healy as high school yearbook sponsor; and accepted resignations from Michelle Hartke as a cook, Megan Tylka as the high school assistant softball coach; and Candi Mette as a cafeteria monitor. Leaves of absence were approved for Jarielle Cameron, Angie Jansen and Kristyn Bowman, and a release of staff was approved for Ann Wines as a cafeteria monitor.
Transfers were approved for Jeff Baker and Melvin Haarmann to the high school as custodians; JoAnn Haarmann and Jeff Leasher to the junior high as custodians; Tina Haarmann and Esther Thompson to Central as custodians; Roland O'Leary to South Side as a custodian; and Dave Worman to the Early Learning Center, the Board office and the Transportation offices as a custodian.
Board member Todd Schaefer was not present for the meeting.