Crop Report for Week Ending August 7


Published on August 11 2016 10:33 am
Last Updated on August 11 2016 10:33 am
Written by Greg Sapp

Crops in Illinois continued to benefit from favorable weather last week.

Statewide, the average temperature was 76.4 degrees, 2.7 degrees above normal. Precipitation averaged 0.86 inches, 0.04 inches below normal. There were 5.3 days suitable for field work during the week ending August 7.

Topsoil moisture supply was rated at 1% very short, 6% short, 85% adequate, and 8% surplus. Subsoil moisture supply was rated at 1% very short, 5% short, 88% adequate, and 6% surplus.

Corn dough was at 60%, compared to 61% for the five-year average. Corn dented reached 6%, compared to 14% last year. Corn condition was rated 1% very poor, 2% poor, 14% fair, 57% good, and 26% excellent.

Soybeans blooming was at 91%, compared to 87% last year. Soybeans setting pods was at 68%. Soybean condition was rated 2% very poor, 3% poor, 16% fair, 58% good, and 21% excellent. 

Oats harvested jumped to 92%, compared to 89% for the five-year average.

Pasture and range condition was rated 1% very poor, 3% poor, 17% fair, 63% good, and 16% excellent.