Unit 40 to Get Full Funding in Coming Year, But...


Published on July 25 2016 9:02 pm
Last Updated on July 26 2016 6:44 am
Written by Greg Sapp

Effingham Unit 40 Superintendent Mark Doan told board members Monday night that the district is slated to receive $200,000 more in the coming fiscal year than in the past year, but said the district will still be behind what was promised last year.

Doan said the District has received $400,000 less from the State than what was promised. Even with the $200,000 additional dollars in the new year, that'll still leave the District $200,000 short of what was promised.

Additionally, Doan said the District's all-funds balance is $314,000 higher than what was projected, but said the operating funds budget is $428,000 short of what was projected. The operating funds are the Education Fund, Building Fund and the Transportation Fund, the day-to-day funds.

Doan said the District has reduced Education Fund spending by almost $1 million, but noted income is also lower. He said the District "continues to do more with less."

One plus, Doan said, is that everyone appears to be on the same page that something has to change as far as how education in Illinois is funded. Two different groups are discussing options and he's hopeful that a plan will emerge that would be equitable for everyone.

Doan also noted that the District's Equalized Assessed Valuation increased, but that means a lower State Aid rate. He also noted Unit 40's tax rate dropped this past year, the only district in the county where that occurred.

In personnel moves, the Unit 40 Board hired Terry Lewis as English/Language Arts teacher at the junior high and Emily King as 5th grade teacher at Central. Also approved were the appointments of Christian Silva as high school assistant football coach, Rick Wittenberg as volunteer junior high assistant softball coach, and Elizabeth Braunecker as volunteer high school boys and girls swimming coach. Resignations were accepted from high school assistant football coach Aaron Adams and from Ed Minor as maintenance man. Leaves of absence were approved for Kathryn Roepke and Megan Tylka.

The Board Monday agreed to seek bids on roof repair work at the junior high building. The area involved is the smaller gym, as well as the breezeway and the classrooms in the 1964 addition to the building. The plan is to also seek separately the cost of re-doing the roof on the auditorium, so that entire addition would be on the same schedule as far as repairs. The District hopes to use health and life safety revenues to do the work, which is estimated to cost just over $314,000.

The Board voted 5-2 to approve 2% pay increases for district administrators. The total amount of new money involved is $29,315. Board members Steve Bone and Jane Willenborg voted No on the raises. Both said their vote was not reflective of the performance of the individuals, but concerns over the budget.

Also Monday, the school board authorized Doan to fill open positions to have the staff in place for the start of the school year, with the Board ratifying those hirings at the August meeting. The Board hiked the substitute bus driver pay to $16.14/hour, which is the same rate as the District pays to regular entry level drivers. Assistant Superintendent Rem Woodruff said it keeps getting harder to find substitute drivers.

The Board adopted an athletic concussion management program, following adoption of a new concussion management policy last month.