Water Authority Retains Slate of Officers


Published on July 13 2016 10:35 am
Last Updated on July 13 2016 10:35 am
Written by Greg Sapp

The Effingham Water Authority Board has retained its slate of officers for the coming year.

Rob Brown will remain as chairman, with James Boos serving as vice-chairman and treasurer, and Chris Kabbes as secretary.

Trustees also approved a 3% raise for personnel and rehired Michael Dirks as lake superintendent and Betty Logan as office manager. Siemer, Austin and Fuhr will continue to serve as the Water Authority's legal counsel.

Also this week, trustees directed Dirks to inspect rock placed by an adjoining neighbor on the Dust property in Moccasin Inlet, and agreed to a tentative replat of Lot 1 Kaufmann Subdivision and Lot 13 Schoenhoff Subdivision. The replat is designed to correct a seawall/boat dock issue. The owners of Lot 13 will extend the term of their lease to 2099 so both leases will expire at the same time, and pay the annual lease rental payment. Once a survey is complete, the final plat will be brought back to the Board for approval.

In other business, Dirks reported he issued three building permits during the month, and the lake is one inch below normal pool. 

Darrell Hoffman, on behalf of the Boating Committee, said the committee does not see a need for placement of additional buoys at this time. 

Tom Ryan, on behalf of the Park and Rec Committee said, after conversation with a member of the Park District, that a disc golf area by the Pearson Building might be something to consider.