Equity Announces Intent to Purchase Coshocton Grain Facilities


Published on June 10 2016 9:42 am
Last Updated on June 10 2016 9:42 am
Written by Millie Lange

Bruce Vernon, CEO of Effingham Equity and Rhoda Sue Crown, CEO of Coshocton Grain Company jointly announced the two organizations have reached agreement through a Letter of Intent which will transfer the ownership of CCG's grain assets in the state of Illinois to The Equity. These CGC assets include a grain shuttle train loading site in Horace and grain truck houses in Redmon and Vermilion.

The transaction is expected to close before the end of July, 2016.

"The Equity views this acquisition as a key step in our continued pursuit of further diversifying our organziaton," said Vernon. "Obviously, the GCG Horace shuttle train loader vastly enhances our grain marketing offerings but we also are excited about the future opportunities for our Feed, Agronomy and Energy business units in this marketplace as well."