North Clay Board Discusses New Athletic Fields


Published on May 27 2016 3:58 pm
Last Updated on May 27 2016 3:58 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

North Clay school board members Thursday discussed options regarding the school district grounds.

There was discussion of renting the park grounds at the $1,500 rate as before through an intergovernmental agreement, and whether the grounds could be used for other purposes.

Discussion continued with a possibility of looking at the ground where the current track is located as a site for a high school baseball diamond. There was discussion about drainage in the area of the current track and how that could be improved. After much discussion, a motion was passed 6-0 to pursue and enter an option of an intergovernmental agreement with the North Clay Park District, guided by the school district attorney in an effort to secure a high school baseball diamond and potentially other school diamonds.

The Board also discussed a possible curricular cooperative agreement with Flora High School. One member said she would like the district to explore some sort of agreement with either the Flora school district or the Regional Delivery System Co-Op for agriculture classes not currently offered by North Clay district. Discussion was held regarding what opportunities there would or could be based upon transportation, scheduling conflicts and costs. The Board directed administrators to gain further information from Flora before pursuing the matter.

Board members also voted to co-op all high school sports with Clay City District, provided North Clay would be the host school on each.

Also Thursday, North Clay board members thanked Michael Burmeister and Route 45 Raceway for donating tickets to all Grades K-5 students for a Monster Truck event; awarded a bid to Winterrowd Excavating and Construction to replace the Unit Office roof; expelled a student for a period of two school years; set wages for Unit office employees Tina Gaddy, Jami Lewis and Adrian Guzman; created the position of Assistant Technology Director and agreed to post it for applicants; set the contract of Superintendent Monty Aldrich; accepted the resignation of Kelly Stortzum as 5th and 6th grade basketball coach; and hired Gina West as a substitute cook.