Feast of Corpus Christi This Sunday in Effingham
Published on May 24 2016 2:13 pm
Last Updated on May 24 2016 2:13 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
The Catholic parishes of Sacred Heart, St. Anthony, and St. Mary’s of Shumway, are preparing a celebration for the Feast of Corpus Christi, the Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, on Sunday, May 29, immediately following 11:00 am Mass at St. Anthony Church.
According to a release from the parishes, "In the Catholic Church, the Feast of Corpus Christi began nearly 800 years ago as a way to celebrate and promote the Real Presence of the Lord Jesus Christ in the Eucharist. The Church allows a Eucharistic procession on only two days of the year; Holy Thursday and the Feast of Corpus Christi. The procession on Corpus Christi is a way to remind everyone of the presence of Christ in the world and in each individual’s life. The Feast is also a reminder of our common pilgrimage to heaven. A Eucharistic procession typically makes four stops at temporary altars along the way to signify the Real Presence of the Lord to the four corners of the earth."
The celebration in Effingham will involve a Eucharistic procession from St. Anthony of Padua Church to Sacred Heart Church. Several hundred parishioners from the three parishes are expected to walk in the procession including first communicants in their formal dress. The parishioners will surround the churches’ pastoral team who will process underneath a canopy as they carry the sacrament of the body of Christ.
The Effingham Knights of Columbus has coordinated the procession route with the City of Effingham, and stops include the home of Fr. Carl Schmidt at 509 N. Main Street, HSHS St. Anthony's Memorial Hospital Healing Garden, Kemper CPA Group at 810 W. Jefferson, and Andes Health Mart Pharmacy at 805 W. Fayette. Police assistance will be provided while crossing Fayette Avenue and Henrietta Street.
St. Anthony High School will provide bus transportation for those who are not able to walk the procession. Busses will also provide transportation to St. Anthony for those that park at Sacred Heart and return participants to St. Anthony if parked there.
The community is invited to join the three parishes for the procession, Benediction at Sacred Heart Church, and free refreshments under the canopy at the Sacred Heart Church following Benediction. For additional information, please contact Sacred Heart Parish at 217.347.7177.