Teutopolis School Board Discusses School Start and End Times
Published on May 23 2016 11:38 am
Last Updated on May 23 2016 11:38 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Teutopolis school board members discussed school day start and end times at this month's meeting.
No decisions were reached. The times will likely be changing after an agreement was reached ending regular bus transportation to morning religion classes.
The Board discussed making changes to the high school graduation ceremony in regard to the Last Child in the Family, and also increased school lunch prices for the coming school year. The prices will be $2.25 for Grades K-6, $2.50 for Grades 7-12, and $2.75 for adults, with extra milk now to cost 35 cents. School districts are required by the National School Lunch Program to review lunch prices. Teutopolis prices had not changed for three years.
The Board recognized TJHS student Claire Bushur, who won an IESA Scholar Attitude Award and read her essay to the Board. Grade school Summer School teachers were hired; Laurie Drees and Cassidy Lowry for Reading Camp, Tie Chesnut for Book Club, and Angie Hotze for Library. The Board also approved an intergovernmental agreement with Dieterich and Beecher City school districts to share nursing services for the coming school year.
Glass and Shuffett was hired to do audit work for the district for $11,000, the same price as last year; a tentative budget was approved for the current fiscal year to reflect what the District received in revenue this year, rather than what had been projected with a hearing on the proposal set for June 20; and athletic trainer services for the coming year were increased to add a trainer to the district's concussion protocol program.
The Board approved changes to the District's Risk Management Plan; reviewed health insurance rates, which will increase by 5%; approved a resignation from Jeanette Koester as grade school secretary; and agreed to advertise the following positions: elementary Special Education teacher, grade school secretary, and part-time high school athletic director.