Unit 40 Accepting Applications for Board Vacancy
Published on March 24 2016 9:35 am
Last Updated on March 24 2016 9:35 am
Written by Greg Sapp
The Effingham Unit 40 School District is accepting applications for a vacancy on the school board.
A letter of interest along with a statement of why you wish to become a Unit 40 board member will be accepted through 3pm Monday, April 4, 2016 at the Board Office at 2803 S. Banker in Effingham.
Applicants for the school board vacancy must:
--be a US citizen
--be at least 18 years old
--be a resident of Illinois and the Unit 40 District for at least one year immediately preceding the appointment
--be a registered voter
--not be a child sex offender
--not hold another incompatible public office
--not have a prohibited interest in any contract with the District
--not be a school trustee
--not hold certain types of prohibited state or federal employment
Applicants should show familiarity with the Board's policies regarding general duties and responsibilities of a school board and a school board member. The Board's policies are available on the District website: www.effingham.k12.il.us/ourdistrict/boardofeducation/boardpolicy
The person selected will serve until the April 2017 Board election, but can also choose to run for a full term in that election.