Local Connections to March for Life


Published on January 25 2016 10:57 am
Last Updated on January 25 2016 10:57 am
Written by Greg Sapp

Many were turned away by the approaching winter storm, but a crowd still converged on the Capitol Mall in Washington, DC on Friday for the 43rd Annual March for Life.

This year, two people with local ties helped lead the hundreds of thousands of protesters up Constitution Avenue, past the Capitol Building to the Supreme Court. Jason Becker of Strasburg and Katie Roley Schuermann, a former Strasburg resident now living outside Springfield, helped carry the banner that led the March through the streets of the nation's capital.

A group of 100 high school students from St. Paul Lutheran High School in Ft. Wayne, Indiana were selected by the March for Life Committee to carry the banner at the front of the march, but when weather turned the high schools back after nearly 12 hours on the road, a contingent from Concordia University in Chicago including Jason Becker, a junior, together with others from the Lutherans for Life group, were asked to carry the banner.