LLC Board Approves Administrative Reorganization; Sells Workforce Development Center
Published on January 19 2016 11:32 am
Last Updated on January 19 2016 11:32 am
Written by Greg Sapp
The Lake Land College Board of Trustees has approved some administrative reorganzation, and has finalized the sale of the Workforce Development Center in Mattoon.
The Workforce Development Center building, which also houses a Dollar General store and a church, was purchased by MTIL4 LLC for $1.8 million. The Center will remain at the location at 301 Richmond Avenue East, but the college will lease the space. The move reduces the college's overhead, provides some revenue, and also gets the college out of the landlord business.
As far as administrative reorganization, Trustees voted to create the position of Vice-President for Workforce Solutions and Community Education. The position will be effective as of July 1. Work toward developing a Career Academy in Effingham next to the Lake Land Kluthe Center is one example of the focus of the new vice-president, who will look for similar opportunities in other locations around the college district.
Another portion of the restructuring will leave the duties of the Vice-President for Academic Services focused on academics, with other duties going to the person holding the new position.
The moves will also mean the elimination of two associate vice-president positions. Leslie Devore now serves as Associate Vice-President for Instruction, while Deb Hutti serves as Associate Vice-President for Education Services. Devore's position will end as of June 30, the end of the fiscal year, while Hutti's position will be eliminated as of her retirement at the end of December.
Trustees also voted to reinstate additional adult education programs, since the college has received an additional $175,000 in federal funds. GED courses will be reinstated, as well as English as a Second Language courses.
Three new student organizations were also approved, a group known as Servants with a Testimony, a Spanish club and a Theater club.