IEMA Urges Illinoisans to "Resolve to be Ready" in 2016


Published on January 6 2016 2:57 pm
Last Updated on January 6 2016 2:57 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

As communities around the state deal with record and near-record winter flooding, the Illinois Emergency Management Agency and local emergency management agencies throughout Illinois are encouraging people to ‘Resolve to be Ready’ for emergencies in 2016.

“The floods we’ve seen over the past week are the types we usually expect in spring or summer,” said IEMA Director James K. Joseph. “It shows how important it is for people to be ready for any type of emergency, any time of year. With that in mind, we’re encouraging people to ‘Resolve to be Ready’ for emergencies in 2016 so that when the unexpected occurs, they’re able to stay safe.”

Joseph said IEMA will help people increase their personal preparedness by focusing on a different preparedness or safety topic each month this year, including earthquakes, severe weather, pets, school and campus, cyber security and more.

One of the first steps toward emergency preparedness is having an emergency supply kit stocked with basic survival items that are critical during an emergency, such as:

  • One gallon of water per person per day (a minimum of a three-day supply)

  • At least a three-day supply of non-perishable food

  • First-aid kit

  • Battery-operated radio, flashlight and extra batteries

  • Items for children, seniors, pets and household members with health or medical needs                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      IEMA maintains the Ready Illinois website (, a one-stop location for preparedness information on a variety of hazards.  In addition to information about steps people can take before emergencies happen, the Ready Illinois website also provides guidance on what to do during and after a disaster

  • Preparedness information is also available through the Ready Illinois Facebook ( and Twitter ( pages.