Veterans Observance Sunday in Beecher City
Published on November 6 2015 10:02 am
Last Updated on November 6 2015 10:02 am
Written by Greg Sapp
The Beecher City American Legion Post along with the Beecher City Tri-County Ruritan Club will host a salute to area veterans on Sunday.
The annual Veterans Day program will begin at 2pm Sunday at the Tri-County firehouse with a concert of patriotic music by the FACE Orchestra. Paul Bauer, pastor of Beecher City Evangel United Methodist Church, will offer the invocation and deliver the benediction.
Featured speaker will be Dave Harris of rural Ramsey. Harris serves as 5th Division Commander of the Department of Illinois American Legion. He is a Marine Corps veteran and a combat veteran of Vietnam, having served four years active duty and six years in the reserves. Harris is responsible for 140 American Legion posts across 33 southern Illinois counties.
After a rifle salute by American Legion Post #535 at the Veterans Memorial in Beecher City, refreshments will be served by the Ruritans.