Windsor School Officials to Listen at Neoga Meeting
Published on October 22 2015 3:37 pm
Last Updated on October 22 2015 3:37 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Windsor school officials say they will be in attendance at a special meeting at Neoga next week. The meeting is taking place to discuss the process of school district consolidation.
The meeting will be held Thursday, October 29 at 5:30pm at the current Neoga Elementary School, formerly the middle school building.
Representatives of the Cumberland, Stewardson-Strasburg and Windsor school districts have been invited to attend the meeting. Those districts were identified by respondents to a survey of Neoga district residents as possibilities to be considered concerning consolidation.
Windsor Superintendent Gavin Sronce said he will be in attendance at Neoga "to gather information." Sronce said Windsor officials are aware of the financial struggles Neoga has been battling, and Windsor is a neighboring district, so they will be there.
Consolidation is just one of several options Neoga officials have been considering, along with cutting costs and exploring ways to increase revenues. The district is already co-oping with other districts in some courses and in some sports.
Also at Windsor this week, the Board decided to split the fifth grade section in two, meaning 14 students in each fifth grade class. The Board also discussed how to properly handle those who wish to speak at Board meetings, and also approved some board policy changes.
In personnel items, the Windsor board accepted resignations from Mariah Bolin and Vanessa Fritcher as junior high track coaches, approved an early retirement for teacher Marci Croy as of the end of the school year, and hired Ron Trussell as a custodian.