North Clay Board Decides to Re-Bid Bus Purchase


Published on October 16 2015 11:33 am
Last Updated on October 16 2015 11:33 am
Written by Greg Sapp

North Clay school board members Thursday decided to re-bid the purchase of a school bus.

Bids were sent out after the September board meeting, but discussion at this week's meeting turned to keeping one of the trade-ins rather than trading in two buses for the one new model. After considerable discussion, the Board voted to seek new bids with trade-in of the units now on hand as an option. It's hoped the new bids will be available for consideration at the November meeting.

The Board heard from FFA Alumni Association Vice-President Bryan West. West was on hand to thank those who helped with a test plot harvest earlier this month, and thanked the school board and district for allowing Ag Education to be a priority in the district.

North Clay board members hired Elizabeth Donaldson as a substitute custodian, and voted to ban Tim Fulk and John Van Pelt from school district property for the remainder of the school year.