Weekly Crop Report for October 12


Published on October 15 2015 4:21 pm
Last Updated on October 15 2015 4:21 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Continued warm dry weather has enabled operators to make rapid progress in harvesting crops and preparing fields for next year.

The dry conditions are causing some concern about pasture condition. Statewide, precipitation averaged 0.03 inches, 0.54 inches below normal. The average temperature was 61.4 degrees, 5.2 degrees above normal. There were 6.8 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending October 11.

Topsoil moisture supply was rated at 8% very short, 30% short, 58% adequate and 4% surplus. Subsoil moisture supply was rated at 4% very short, 29% short, 62% adequate, and 4$ percent surplus.

Corn harvest was 71% complete, 38 percentage points ahead of last year at this time. 

Soybeans dropping leaves reached 94%, an increase of eight percentage points over last week. Soybean harvest was 71% complete, compared 27% last year and 53% for the five-year average.

Sorghum harvest was at 63% complete, compared to 25% complete last year.

Winter wheat planted reached 41%, a jump of 19% from last week.

Pasture and range condition was rated 5% very poor, 15% poor, 34% fair, 41% good, and 5% excellent.