Shimkus on McCarter's Candidacy
Published on October 7 2015 2:59 pm
Last Updated on October 8 2015 8:11 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Congressman John Shimkus has issued a statement on St. Sen. Kyle McCarter entering the Republican primary for the 15th District Congressional seat.
Shimkus' statement reads, "As a free market Republican, I always say that competition is good. With that said, I will strongly defend my conservative voting record, my accessibility throughout the district, and the constituent service that my office provides to the people of Illinois.
Unlike my opponent, my family lives in the 15th District, and we never moved to Washington. And I am proud to be a public servant--from West Point to the Army to teaching to county government to Congress."
Shimkus Wednesday voted for the creation of a special subcommittee to investigate Planned Parenthood's harvesting of organs and tissue from aborted babies. The subcommittee will be under the jurisdiction of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, on which Shimkus is a senior member.