McCarter Announces for Congress


Published on October 7 2015 2:51 pm
Last Updated on October 8 2015 8:09 am
Written by Greg Sapp

Area State Senator Kyle McCarter Wednesday formally announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination for Congress from the 15th District.

McCarter's decision means a primary battle with Republican incumbent Congressman John Shimkus, who earlier announced he is a candidate for re-election.


McCarter acknowledged the race is a "David vs. Goliath" challenge, but said a tough campaign is worth the struggle because he said the end result would be good for families and communities, and good for businesses and the economy. He also noted that there weren't any other elected officials on hand for his announcement in Effingham Wednesday as they have so far embraced the incumbent.

Of Shimkus, McCarter said, "He is a nice guy, but he's been around too long." Shimkus was first elected to Congress in 1996. McCarter mentioned that Shimkus broke one of his first promises, that he would only serve a certain period of years, but later broke that promise. He said we don't need as many career politicians, and said Shimkus in being in office almost 20 years "has become part of the problem." He also hammered Shimkus for appearing in front of the Planned Parenthood office in Effingham to join in the protest when videos came to light regarding the sale of body parts, but then voting for a funding bill that included money for Planned Parenthood.

McCarter said, "The federal government has imposed thousands of new rules and regulations, and billions of dollars in new taxes. It has overstepped its bounds and has done so without our consent. Of all the places in Illinois, the place that should have the loudest, strongest voice in Washington is the 15th District, but I don't see that happening."

The McCarters currently live outside the 15th District, but are reportedly house-shopping in the Effingham area.

McCarter said he and his wife, Victoria, prayed about whether to run for Congress for several months before making the decision to join the race. They help sponsor a ministry called Mercy Ministries that works with young women dealing with "life controlling" issues, like eating disorders, self-harm, depression, and drug abuse and addiction. The ministry provides short-term housing for girls ages 13 to 28 while they address such issues. The ministry has now expanded to address other topics including sex trafficking.

McCarter said the nation's founding documents give the people unique power and authority because the freedom and liberty the documents detail are from the Creator. McCarter said rights come from God; they are not given us by the government, which means the people are in charge of their destiny, not a group of individuals in Washington, DC. 

Illinois' 15th Congressional District is comprised of all or parts of 33 counties: Bond, Champaign, Clark, Clay, Clinton, Coles, Crawford, Cumberland, Douglas, Edgar, Edwards, Effingham, Fayette, Ford, Gallatin, Hamilton, Hardin, Jasper, Johnson, Lawrence, Madison, Marion, Massac, Moultrie, Pope, Richland, Saline, Shelby, Vermillion, Wabash, Washington, Wayne and White.