Neoga Board Approves Balanced Budget...But


Published on September 30 2015 4:09 pm
Last Updated on September 30 2015 4:09 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

The Neoga Board of Education has adopted a balanced budget for the coming year, but the situation deserves a little more examination.

Superintendent Beth Pressler said she is "extremely pleased" the District will operate under the balanced budget, but reminds District residents that the budget does not include any funds for a sports program or for extra-curriculars, and calls for the school day to still end at 2:05pm, a class period earlier than is usual. In fact, Pressler said the situation is "not back to normal, it's a new normal."

Sports was not part of the equation for the current school year until the Neoga Sports Boosters said they would cover the cost of the sports program. The boosters were clear, though, that their commitment was just for this year, along there are now some rumblings there might be support for continuing the funding help. The decision to end the class day a period early allowed all teachers to use the last hour of the day for their planning periods, which saved the District on bringing in substitutes to cover planning periods scattered throughout the day.

Pressler feels it's important for students to have things like sports and extra-curriculars as well as a longer school day, but the District can't afford it. She said that due to the State's ongoing fiscal problems, those revenues can't be relied upon. She said, "The answer must come from the community."

The Board was hopeful of getting input from District residents through an online survey as to the future. Several pointed questions were asked.

256 responses were received as to whether Neoga should continue as a standalone district with a referendum on funding needs. 182 respondents said Yes, 24 said No.

259 responses were received as to whether the District should explore consolidation with another district. 34 respondents said Yes, 118 said No.

When asked if Yes on researching consolidation, what districts should be considered, 107 responded. The districts identified were Stewardson-Strasburg, Cumberland and Windsor.

260 responded on whether electives should be offered to students, with 251 saying Yes.

As to whether sports should be continued, 236 said Yes, 26 said No.

Armed with that information, Neoga board members directed the District to talk with those three districts mentioned regarding consolidation, as well as the Regional Office of Education and the State Board of Education as to conducting a feasibility study.

In regular business, the Board discussed roof problems at both the junior-senior high school building and the elementary building and whether health and life safety funds could be used to make repairs. There are also concerns with the heating, air conditioning and ventilating system in the elementary building and the monitoring system.

The Board hired Mike Roy as junior high head boys basketball coach and Tyler Roy as assistant junior high boys basketball coach, as well as Vicky Ludwig as junior high Scholar Bowl coach. It was also agreed to the Sports Boosters advertise in programs and other district publications in exchange for funds that can help finance the sports program. There was discussion on installing signage and a portable building on the campus of the former elementary building now used as an early childhood center, with final action to be forthcoming. The Board also agreed to let a district bus take students from the Cloverbud 4-H Club to the early childhood center after school for their meetings. It's part of an effort to provide a safe place for students whose parents work since the school day has been shortened.

The Neoga board also voted to deny Jason Salvato admission to all extra-curricular events for the remainder of the school year. The action comes after an incident at a baseball game on August 31 where in the opinion of District officials, a coach was threatened or harassed by Salvato. Salvato had indicated to District officials he planned to attend a hearing on the matter, but he did not attend.