McCarter Discusses Silent Reflection Law
Published on September 23 2015 4:09 pm
Last Updated on September 23 2015 4:09 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
St. Sen. Kyle McCarter Wednesday cited a revised measure adopted this year by the Illinois General Assembly that addresses reflection and prayer in a public place.
HB0165 amends the Silent Reflection and Student Prayer Act, guaranteeing students the right to non-disruptive prayer and/or religious meetings.
With the passage of the bill, chief cosponsor McCarter remarked, “The passage of this bill is extremely important since September 23rd is the annually recognized ‘See You At The Pole’ event where students all over the state and nation join together to pray for their classmates, their school, and our nation. They will surely not be kept from exercising their constitutional rights in Illinois because of this new law.”
HB0165 does specify that the prayer or religious organization be voluntary and conducted in such a way that it is “non-disruptive,” essentially pointing students to the times before and after classroom instruction begins. In keeping with the Free Exercise and Establishment Clauses of the United States and Illinois Constitutions, these religious activities must be student-led.
Governor Rauner signed the bill into law August 20th and is effective immediately.