Shimkus Votes to Defund Planned Parenthood, Protect Abortion Survivors


Published on September 19 2015 11:45 am
Last Updated on September 19 2015 11:45 am
Written by Greg Sapp

Following stops at three locations around his district, including Effingham, earlier this week, Congressman John Shimkus Friday voted to end all taxpayer support for Planned Parenthood. During those stops, Shimkus presented what he termed more comprehensive alternatives for women's health care needs.

Shimkus said, "There are twice as many Federally Qualified Health Centers in Illinois than Planned Parenthood clinics. These federally-supported health centers offer women access to a wider range of services and provide a 'medical home' where an entire family can gain access to health care regardless of income."

The House-passed legislation (HR 3134, the Defund Planned Parenthood Act of 2015) would defund Planned Parenthood while congressional committees continue their investigation into allegations that the agency altered procedures to harvest and sell baby organs. Shimkus said changing medical procedures for such a purpose is "unethical" and reminded the sale f human tissue is prohibited by federal law.

Shimkus also supported House Rule 3504, the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. This legislation would require that children who survive an abortion be given the same medical care as any premature infant.

"Miracles happen every day," said Shimkus. "When a child survives an attempted abortion, we should not turn our back on that precious gift of life."