Infrastructure Work Considered by Dieterich Village Board
Published on September 3 2015 10:56 am
Last Updated on September 3 2015 10:56 am
Written by Greg Sapp
Dieterich village board members discussed a number of infrastructure projects at this week's meeting.
The Board talked with a couple of residents of Prairie Drive, where the village is trying to address lack of drainage. The Board gave the residents a couple of options, which the residents will discuss with others who live along the street.
Village Engineer Lee Beckman reported the lagoon project is on schedule, and the Board heard that a grant project to improve the downtown area is nearing completion. Bodine Electric is installing lighting along Virginia Avenue to the veterans memorial. The work should be completed in a couple of weeks.
The Board voted to hire someone to bushhog the undeveloped lots in North Pointe Phase 3, and decided to have village employees Buster Rosa and Clayton Campton licensed through USDA this winter spray for mosquitoes around town in 2016. Board members also hired Campton as a fulltime water/sewer/street maintenance employee.
Dieterich board members again discussed marketing strategies with Deb Bohannon Marketing. Promotional videos including a testimonial item featuring local residents, and other productions highlighting the business community, community organizations, recreational opportunities, and North Pointe Estates residential area will all be featured in the videos. The Board also discussed again hosting a fall landscaping and children's Halloween costume contest on Facebook, with input from Bohannon.
Speaking of Halloween, the Board set Trick or Treat for October 31 from 6-8pm.
The Dieterich board discussed how to address a problem with bagworms in the pine trees on the berm separating the west side of North Pointe Drive with the village Industrial Park. An arborist told Village officials that it's too late this year to address the bagworms, so they will use fertilizer injections on the trees this fall and focus on the bagworms next year.