State Crop Report for Week Ending August 22


Published on August 26 2015 1:09 pm
Last Updated on August 26 2015 1:09 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

Corn harvest in Illinois has begun on a limited basis and hay cutting continued to progress.

The state crop report reports statewide precipitation averaged 1.39 inches, 0.70 inches above normal. The average temperature was 70.9 degrees, 2.7 degrees below normal. There were 5.4 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending August 22.

Topsoil moisture supply was rated at 2% very short, 17% short, 73% adequate, and 8% surplus. Subsoil moisture supply was rated at 1% very short, 13% short, 76% adequate, and 10% surplus.

Corn in the dough stage was at 91%. Corn dented reached 55%, a jump of 17% from last week. Corn mature reached 3%, 8% behind the five-year average. Corn condition was rated 5% very poor, 10% poor, 29% fair, 44% good, and 12% excellent.

Soybean condition was rated 5% very poor, 13% poor, 30% fair, 43% good, and 9% excellent.

Pasture and range condition was rated 1% very poor, 5% poor, 30% fair, 51% good, and 13% excellent.