Injury Crash Early Tuesday in Clay County


Published on August 18 2015 4:18 pm
Last Updated on August 18 2015 4:18 pm
Written by Greg Sapp

An injury crash occurred in Clay County just after midnight Tuesday morning.

Illinois State Police say a car driven by 31-year-old Matthew Ryan Brown was southbound on Blue Mound Road at Coon Creek Bridge just before 1am. Police say Brown's car was traveling at a high rate of speed when Brown lost control of the vehicle. The car skidded approximately 175 feet to the left, left the roadway, traveled down an embankment, and struck a tree.

Brown was injured, but there was no information available as to where he was taken for treatment. The report also did not indicate where Brown lives.

Police cited Brown on counts of DUI alcohol, failure to reduce speed to avoid the crash, failure to wear a seat belt, operating on an expired license, and operating an uninsured motor vehicle.