Jasper Board Members Discuss Finances


Published on August 14 2015 10:58 am
Last Updated on August 14 2015 10:58 am
Written by Greg Sapp

Jasper County board members Thursday heard from Supervisor of Assessments Paul Woods, who said income will be down this year.

Woods said the value of the Dynegy power plant outside Newton is down $24 million. That means $1 million less in property tax revenue.

Woods also reminded residents to sign up any tax exemptions available, and particularly encouraged the elderly and the disabled to check with his office about such exemptions.

The Board also heard that the pavement preservation project for this year has been completed, and approved engineering agreements on two bridges at Ste. Marie.

Board members learned that the sheriff's department is down one deputy and one jailer on worker's compensation due to injuries inflicted by an inmate, and that the jail is housing inmates from Lawrence County.

Funds are getting tight; the Board heard that the Law Library can no longer keep up with the bills submitted each month. It was decided to pay this month's bills from contingencies and let the funds build up. There was also discussion of laying the groundwork for future budget cuts.

Board members also approved the appointment of Ron Diel to the County Board of Review to fill a vacancy.