North Clay Board Asked to Keep Farm Ground
Published on June 19 2015 4:19 pm
Last Updated on June 19 2015 4:19 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
North Clay school board members Thursday were asked to keep the farm ground owned by the district south of the elementary building in Louisville.
Kevin Hammond spoke on behalf of the North Clay FFA Alumni and others interested in agriculture education. He spoke because of what he termed rumors that the district was considering selling or leasing the ground.
Hammond said the Alumni have used the ground since 2006 as a test plot for both soybeans and corn. Students are working with ag alumni to raise the crops and to raise money from the sale of the crops to continue the program, even after cuts to the ag department.
Hammond said they won't be able to continue supporting the Ag Education program without the test plot.
There was no action on the issue by board members.
In personnel moves, the Board accepted the resignation of Jason Lewis as junior high head baseball coach; hired Kaylee McCollum as high school assistant volleyball coach; hired Mark Pierson and Mary Ann Brown as fulltime bus drivers; hired Nancy Gray as a substitute cook; authorized the administration to hire personnel to fill a custodian vacancy; and granted a maternity leave for Stephanie Simmons.