New Effingham County Voter ID Cards Coming This Week
Published on June 16 2015 4:06 pm
Last Updated on June 16 2015 4:06 pm
Written by Greg Sapp
Effingham County Clerk & Election Authority Kerry J. Hirtzel announces the printing and distribution of new identification cards for all registered voters of Effingham County.
Mailing of the new cards will take place this week. Clerk Hirtzel asks that each registered voter check their card for correct information. It is very important to notify the County Clerk’s Office if there are any errors on the new ID card. If anyone believes they are a registered voter and does not receive a card within the next two weeks please contact the Effingham County Clerk’s Office. A voter is allowed to vote only on the issues that affect where they physically live.
Illinois State Statute (10 ILCS5/4-30) requires the County Clerk to conduct a verification of voter registration every 2 years. This verification is accomplished by the mailing of new Voter ID cards to registered voters. This new Voter ID Card replaces any previously issued card. The voter’s polling place and all jurisdictions in which the voter is eligible to vote are listed on the card. The card should be signed, cut apart from the rest of the form, and carried with you as a valuable piece of identification. The reverse side of the card contains a transfer of registration for voters who move within Effingham County.
County Clerk Kerry Hirtzel and his staff welcome your questions and comments at 217-342-6535.